Sampling and Filtering Techniques for IP Packet Selection - Update - draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt Tanja Zseby, FhG FOKUS Maurizio Molina, NEC Europe Ltd. Fredric Raspall, NEC Europe Ltd. Nick Duffield, AT&T Labs
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt2 Changes Terminology –Aligned with Framework draft –Moved to framework –Terms for describing schemes repeated will be removed Description of schemes –Aligned with framework draft, agreed on schemes –Aligned with terminology –All detailed descriptions now in sample-tech draft Restructuring of document Complexity levels removed –Difficult to agree on levels –Vendors can select scheme(s) Flow-state sampling added
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt3 Definitions Agreement with framework document: Filtering: deterministic selection based on the packet content Sampling: everything else –Content-independent Sampling Deterministic or random selection independent of packet content Examples: systematic, random sampling that is independent of packet content. –Content-dependent Sampling Selection dependent on packet content Example: pseudorandom selection according to a probability that depends on the contents of a packet field
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt4 Schemes and Parameters: Sampling Systematic count-based –start and stop in accordance to spatial packet position (packet count). –Input parameters: Interval length (in number of packets) Spacing between intervals (in number of packets) Systematic time-based –start and stop in accordance to temporal packet position (arrival time). –Input parameters: Interval length (in µsec) Spacing (in µsec) Not covered: –Systematic sampling with combined time- and count based trigger –Non-equal spacing
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt5 Schemes and Parameters: Sampling Random n-out-of-N –Random selection of n packets from N –Input parameters: List of n (random) sampling positions Parent size N Uniform Probabilistic –Same sampling probability for each packet –Input parameters: Sampling probability p Non-Uniform Probabilistic –Sampling probability depends on input –Input parameters: Function for calculation probability p Flow State Probabilistic –Sampling probability depends on flow state (of own flow or other flows) –Input parameters: Policy for selecting flows
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt6 Schemes and Parameters: Filtering Match/Mask –Apply a bit mask to packet header and/or the first N bytes of the payload –Select packet if the bit string after masking falls within one or more selection range –Input Parameters header/payload masks (as bit strings) header/payload selection ranges (as bit strings) Hashing –Apply bit mask to packet header and/or the first N bytes of the payload, create unique bit string –Optionally, link with another pre-defined bit string (seed) –Apply hash function on the string –Select the packet if the result falls into one or more a selection range(s) –Input Parameters Input mask (as bit strings) Seed Selection interval Hashfunction
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt7 Schemes and Parameters: Filtering Router-state selection –Select packet on the basis of its route/treatment in the router (e.g. IF to which it is routed, no route found, etc.) –Input parameters Router state (when packet should be selected) Combined Schemes –Combination of the defined sampling and filtering schemes –E.g. for stratified sampling –Coupled via STREAM_ID [your scheme here]
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt8 Schemes and Parameters Scheme | input parameters | functions systematic | packet position | packet counter count-based | sampling pattern | systematic | arrival time | clock or timer time-based | sampling pattern | random | packet position | packet counter, n-out-of-N | sampling pattern | random numbers | (random number list) | uniform | sampling | random function probabilistic | probability | non-uniform |e.g. packet position | selection function, probabilistic |or packet content(parts)| probability calc non-uniform |e.g. flow state | selection function, flow-state |or packet content(parts)| probability calc mask/match | packet content(parts) | filter function hash-based | packet content(parts) | hash function router state | router state | router state | | discovery Further clarification needed
draft-ietf-psamp-sample-tech-02.txt9 Next Steps/Open Issues Plan –Include description of specific (pre-defined) functions (hash- functions, non-uniform selection, flow states) –Formal information model in separate document Open Issues –More/other schemes needed ? –Which hash functions ? –High level filter specification needed ? Currently bit level (allows all combinations) Optionally also support high level definition (fields) Existing work on this in other groups ? –Include flow state sampling ?
Thank you for your attention ! Questions ?