National Laboratory Libraries Coalition Meeting Erin C. Anderson, Library & Information Program Liaison U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information 5-7 October 2011
2 Partnership OSTI Works In Partnership with DOE Laboratories to Fulfill STI-related Contractor Requirements. DOE’s STI Program is Managed by OSTI Provides accountability and historical record by creating a central, authoritative collection of DOE STI for long- term use and access Fulfills statutory mandates Enhances transparency of DOE research Saves research dollars by reducing duplication and enabling reuse of previous research OSTI does this while also providing a host of products to assist librarians and researchers
3 Partnership OSTI works to ensure that: DOE-supported research results are shared globally plus DOE-supported researchers have access to scientific discoveries from around the world You, the National Laboratory Libraries are the strategic partners in making sure this research is shared across the DOE Laboratory Complex and that researchers are in the know.
4 Partnership – History OSTI Responsibility Has Been Established In: Atomic Energy Acts of 1946 and 1954 Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 Department of Energy Act of 1977 Energy Policy Act of 2005 America COMPETES Act of 2007
5 Partnership – The Numbers OSTI and the Labs are partners in making scientific and technical information available. More than 39 million Full-Text Downloads in FY10. Roughly 10 million more Full-Text Downloads than FY09.
6 Updates Reminder that EnergyFiles and Federal R&D Project Summaries were discontinued October 1, The look and feel of the OSTIBlog ( is in the process of being updated.
7 Update: DataCite OSTI will be registering DOI’s for all of DOE’s datasets. 700+ datasets from the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility will be initially added.
8 NEW: Consolidated Product Forthcoming new consolidated product, name TBD. It will include all information from OSTI’s Output Repository that is publically releasable. Scheduled for launch September IB and ECD will then be phased out. OSTI will need testers this winter, so please contact us if you are interested.
9 Widgets OSTI offers twelve widgets.
10 OSTI Mobile OSTI Mobile is a mobile search application compatible with the Blackberry, Droid, and iPhone/iPad platforms. Features and Functionality Include: Searching OSTI’s digital library by Document Type (Book, Patent, Technical Report, Multimedia, etc.). Option to Sort results by a variety of fields (i.e. Research Org, Publication Date, etc.). Clicking on hyperlinked DOI. Downloading full-text PDF to device. Sending URL and search results via or SMS. Bookmarking record for viewing at a later time.
11 Enhancements & Updates The Information Bridge contains over 275,000 full-text links for DOE research reports. Word Clouds: visual representation of word frequency within each document. viewed from the search results screen or on the bibliographic citation page when the “Word Cloud” link is clicked. Reminders: the XML Data Service; IB MARC Records that are available by particular DOE National Laboratory ( and the Alerts service are all ways to provide increased access to DOE research.
12 The Energy Citations Database contains citations to DOE research and other energy-related research of interest to DOE. Over 2,434,000 science research citations. WorldCat for journal articles and links to Open Access Journals. Hover over title on search results page: OSTI ID plus the abstract displays. Reminder: Alerts, XML Author Select, Subject Select and Fielded Search are available useful tools. Enhancements & Updates
13 Over 5.3 million bibliographic records and over 500,000 full text documents spanning more than six decades of DOE research. 829 registered users. Faster search and retrieval via use of an enhanced indexing system. Features include: Alert Services Author Selection Thesaurus Term Selection Fielded Search Enhancements & Updates
14 A greater emphasis has been placed on DOE research results. Multimedia Search Results are now available. Reminder: Use Clusters to refine your search. Features Include: Share tools, RSS feed, Widget and Alerts. Featured Searches and Featured Search Archive (i.e. biofuels, nanotechnology, lithium batteries…) Gateway to Following Resources: DOE R&D Accomplishments, DOE Data Explorer, DOE Green Energy, DOE R&D Project Summaries, DOepatents, E-print Network, Energy Citations Database, Energy Science and Technology Software Center, Information Bridge and Science Conference Proceedings, Science Journals Connector, ScienceCinema. Enhancements & Updates
15 searches over 40 databases and over 2100 websites contributed by 18 organizations within 14 agencies. An aggregated RSS news feed appears on the main page of Provides one stop for major science agency news feeds. A rolling window of the most current news from each of the participating agencies, with a MORE link offering news from the past 24 hours. New mobile site: A new widget has been made available. An Image Search has been added to, with photos from various participating agencies ( Enhancements & Updates
16 Enhancements & Updates Tag Cloud that contains most-frequently appearing terms in the bibliographic citations, with links that activate a search for the term selected. More user-friendly tabbed widget. An XML service. Two videos on YouTube that highlight significant DOE achievements.
17 Multilingual provides: searching and translation of scientific and technical information in nine languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian). Search of multimedia (video, audio, etc. via ScienceCinema) integrated into A mobile version of has been released. Enhancements & Updates
18 Enhancements & Updates Included are patents that DOE sponsored through a variety of funding mechanisms, including grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements. Over 900 patents were added recently, mostly from 2008 forward (approximately 200 patents from 2010). There are over 26,000 patents total.
19 Provides technical reports and patent information on different types of renewable energy resources and energy conservation. Over 34,000 technical reports and 2,200 patents. New Semantic Search. Some subject area examples: hydrogen, solar energy, tidal and wave power, energy storage and direct energy conversion. Enhancements & Updates
20 OpenURL capability (any libraries interested can contact us); subject clustering as a way to narrow searches; updated Federated Search with a few new sources and new features; and, the capability to suggest additions to the database. Developing country access to ETDEWEB has increased again; the count is now around 100 countries, and member country territories are now also permitted access. Over 4,400,000 Bibliographic records are available. Over 400,000 records with full text available onsite. Over 1,000,000 total records with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) links are available. Many thousands more have URLs linking to sites worldwide that make the full text available Enhancements & Updates
21 OSTI “spotlights” individual universities and community colleges committed to supporting and advancing the U.S. Department of Energy’s scientific research programs at DOE Laboratories and Scientific User Facilities. Great visibility off of the DOE Home Page. Some Spotlights from the past year: Iowa State University, Ames Laboratory Connection. ( Mesalands Community College, Sandia Laboratory Connection. ( Enhancements & Updates
22 Iowa State University, Ames Laboratory Connection. ( Mesalands Community College, Sandia Laboratory Connection. (
23 OSTI & Staff Outreach Exhibited at the SLA Annual Conference-June Supported the Office of Science Exhibit at AAAS CENDI (longtime interagency collaboration). Tim Byrne—Co-Chair of the ACRL Science and Technology Section Government Information Committee. Erin Anderson—2011& 2012 President of the Tennessee Valley Chapter of the Special Libraries Association. Weekly RSS Feeds about OSTI Products and Services. ( OSTI Twitter Feed. ( Check out the OSTI Facebook Page. (
24 Questions, Comments & Contact Information Erin Anderson, Erin Anderson, (Library & University Outreach, DOE Green Energy, Widgets, OSTI Mobile) U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information 1 Way P.O. Box 62 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831