Performance Based System for Determining Post Closure Care (PCC) at Florida MSW Landfills Southwest Landfill, Alachua County, Florida Dr. Debra Reinhart Asawari Kulkarni
Outline Performance based methodology Timeline Project status Groundwater Module Groundwater monitoring well locations Statistical comparison Groundwater data analysis: VOC Metal analysis and results Summary Next
Performance Based Methodology Developed by EREF (Geosyntec contractor) Comprised of four modules: Leachate Module Groundwater Module Landfill Gas Module Cap Module
Operation Began: Constructed and started accepting waste Horizontal Injection for Leachate Recirculation Initiated Recirculation via Infiltration Ponds Started tires separation/ shredding and recycling Final Closure LFGTE initiated Site history and timeline
Performance Based Methodology Leachate Module Analysis of leachate monitoring data Data from For 90% ND, reduce monitoring frequency and then discontinue
Performance Based Methodology: Leachate Module Outcomes Organic contaminants: Reduce and then discontinue monitoring Declining and approaching MCL (e.g. acetone) Detected always below MCL ( e.g. styrene or naphthalene) Following a significant reducing trend and are below MCL ( e.g. toluene, xylene)
Performance Based Methodology: Leachate Module Outcomes Trends followed by metal contaminants: Reduce and discontinue monitoring for metals always BDL ( only copper) Continue monitoring for arsenic, iron, chromium: Concentration and mass variations depending on the leachate flows
Project Status Leachate Module Groundwater Module Landfill Gas Module Cap Module
Groundwater Module Analysis of historical groundwater monitoring data Helps in making a decision on optimizing/terminating current groundwater monitoring plan during PCC Data obtained from Southwest Landfill consultants, Jones, Edmunds & Assoc.
EPA Recommended Comparison Options Comparison with historical data from same well : Intra-well comparisons Comparison With background wells : Inter-well Comparison Comparison with MCL Control Charts Confidence Interval Method Tolerance Interval Test of proportions
ND > 50%? Yes No Data Test of proportions Confidence Interval (CI) Are data normal? Yes Are Log data normal? Yes Normal CI Log-normal CI Non-Parametric Approach Non-Para CI Yes
Groundwater Monitoring Data Monitoring data available from Around 200 parameters are monitored every year CHEMSTAT is used for statistical comparisons Minitab 15 for graphical representations
Groundwater monitoring data √ Statistical analysis tools √
Frequently Detected Contaminants: VOCs Number of Detects VOCs detected at SWLF
Frequently Detected VOC: Acetone Found only in well SW-2D Detected before year 2000 May be due to 7 acres Class III disposal area to the south
Location of well SW-2D: Acetone
Frequently detected VOC: 1,4-dichlorobenzene Wells SW-4D, SW- 7D and SW-10D Found in Compliance wells
Frequently detected VOC: 1,4-dichlorobenzene
Frequently detected VOC: Chlorobenzene Second most frequently detected contaminant Detected in SW-4D and SW-10D Probably comes from degradation of dichlorobenzen e in anaerobic conditions Increasing trend
Frequently Detected VOC: Vinyl chloride
Found consistently in well SW-4D MCL – 1 ug/L Vinyl chloride concentration > MCL May come from dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes under anaerobic conditions VC degrades better aerobically as compared with anaerobic conditions Declined after 2001 Significant contamination when compared with MCL and background wells Never detected in leachate ( always BDL)
Less frequently detected VOC 1,2-dichlorobenzene Benzene C-1,2-dichloroethene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene
Recommendations for VOCs Reduce, then discontinue monitoring frequency: 1,2-dichlorobenzene Benzene C-1,2-dichloroethene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Methylene chloride Tetrachloroethene
Recommendations for VOCs Continue monitoring for vinyl chloride Consistent detection frequency Above MCL
Metal Analysis: Metal Detection Frequency
MetalTMELeachate Range GW Range, µg/LMCL, µg/L UpDown Antimony Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt BDL0.4-40NA Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Zinc NA
Metal Recommendation Reduce, then discontinue metal monitoring frequency: Antimony Chromium Copper Barium Nickel Cobalt Mercury
Metal Recommendation Continue monitoring for: Arsenic Cadmium Lead
Metal Recommendation Reduce, then discontinue monitoring of metals at wells: SW-9D SW-7D Sw-12D SW-P1 SW-2D
Metal Recommendation Sampling private wells offsite but down-gradient to track potential transport of heavy metals
Summary Analysis of groundwater monitoring data completed Future monitoring limited to few metals and VOCs 5 monitoring wells can be eliminated from metal monitoring Off-site monitoring for metals
Next Landfill gas module Landfill gas quality and quantity Impact on human health and environment
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