Starter What do you know about India’s economy at present?
Will be able to evaluate the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Evaluation ~ GCE Grade A* Will be able to propose the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Synthesis ~ GCE Grade A Will be able to analyse the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Analysis ~ GCE Grade B Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases Application ~ GCE Grade C Will be able to explain the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Comprehension ~ GCE Grade D Will be able to recall the impact of China and India’s growth Knowledge ~ GCE Grade E
Success Criteria
Overseas impact of Chinese and Indian Growth Chinese foreign policy has been to build relationships with smaller countries (e.g. Africa) and then to share development in the countries raw materials Low costs have been exaggerated by low valuation on the Chinese currency (government has manipulated) so makes it harder for producers in other countries to compete with Chinese goods
Overseas impact of Chinese and Indian Growth In the past, China’s production has been mainly labour-intensive and low-technology so businesses in other countries have found it easier to compete However, advances in Chinese technology Indian growth in IT services
Overseas impact of Chinese and Indian Growth China provides cheap and reliable outsourced parts and components Rapid income growth in China has created some affluent consumers with growing tastes for luxuries (Champagne and chocolate sales rise by 25% per year)
Against The Clock
The impact of Indian call centres on UK business Researching the relocation of BT’s call centre activity to India in 2003 Working in pairs, why it was possible for BT to outsource its call centre activities to India. Copy and complete the following table, which looks at the pros and cons of outsourcing this type of work to another country.
Task The impact of Indian call centres on UK business Advantages for BT customersDisadvantages for BT customers Advantages for BTDisadvantages for BT Advantages for IndiaDisadvantages for India Advantages for the UK economyDisadvantages for the UK economy
Homework Research and discuss the impact of China’s growth on UK manufacturing industry Investigate the causes and consequences of the collapse of the MG Rover plant at Longbridge Create a PowerPoint to outline and evaluate a strategy that small manufacturing businesses in the UK could adopt in order to stave off competition from abroad and save local jobs.
Plenary: Articulate!
Lesson Keywords India Growth Domestic Production
On your cards Topic 2: Key players in the world economy ? Write down: 2 or more things you found easy to understand/ remember from the lesson What did you find difficult to understand Exit pass
Will be able to evaluate the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Evaluation ~ GCE Grade A* Will be able to propose the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Synthesis ~ GCE Grade A Will be able to analyse the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Analysis ~ GCE Grade B Will be able to demonstrate understanding by using examples/cases Application ~ GCE Grade C Will be able to explain the overseas impact of China and India’s growth Comprehension ~ GCE Grade D Will be able to recall the impact of China and India’s growth Knowledge ~ GCE Grade E
Success Criteria