Li RW 2006 VAT – 3/2006 A Novel Clinical Technique to Treat Amblyopia Dr. Roger Li BSc(Optom), PhD Dr. Dennis Levi OD, MS, PhD, FAAO Collaborators Dr. Pia Hoenig Dr. Ariella Popple Dr. Karen Young
Li RW 2006 Vernier Acuity Can you see the misalignment? Offset
Li RW AFC Pick the “odd” one out of 3 Offset
Li RW 2006 P o s i t i o n a l Noise Jittered Stimulus Average Position
Li RW 2006 Ext. Noise Levels int N == spatial distortion in amblyopic vision L0 : ext N = 0 L1 : ext N < int N L2 : ext N ≈ int N L3 : ext N > int N
Li RW 2006 Noise Levels Level 0 (STRAIGHT !!!)
Li RW 2006 Level 1 - slightly jittered
Li RW 2006 Level 2 - somewhat jittered
Li RW 2006 Level 3 - VERY jittered
Li RW 2006 Try This (32-2)
Li RW 2006 Getting Harder! (24-3)
Li RW 2006 Getting Harder & Harder ! (16-3)
Li RW 2006 Getting Harder, Harder & Harder ! (12-1)
Li RW 2006 Getting Harder, Harder, Harder & Harder ! (8-1)
Li RW 2006 ?????? Modified Staircase Triplets (up-down rules) √√√ √√× √ × × ××× √√× Increasing Difficulty Trials
Li RW 2006 Staircase Tracking your limits Difficulty Trials EasierHarder
Li RW 2006 Roll down a hill Perceptual learning
Li RW 2006 Practice makes perfect Exercise your BRAIN …
Li RW 2006 Can I see better ??? Improve V isual A cuity
Li RW 2006 Effective & Efficient Intensive, active, challenging Enhance vision in “ 50 ” hrs Boost brain processing efficiency Decrease cortical image dis tort ion Useful in adults & children with Amblyopia
Li RW 2006 Fuuuurther Information Li RW, Klein SA & Levi DM. (2006) J of Vis, 6, Chung STL, Levi DM & Li RW. (2006) Vis Res, 46, Li RW, Young KG, Hoenig P & Levi DM. (2005) IOVS, 46, Levi DM. (2005) Dev Psychobiol, 46, Levi DM, Li RW & Klein SA. (2005) Vis Res, 45, Li RW & Levi DM. (2004) J of Vis, 4, Li RW, Levi DM & Klein SA. (2004) Nat Neurosci. 7,
Li RW 2006 Thank you Stay tuned to the up coming.……. e x citing discovery