Congress Confusions and paradoxes
How do Americans view Congress? Congress is held in relatively low esteem Many Americans know little or nothing about the workings of Congress e.g.hardly any will tune into C-SPAN to watch coverage of Congressional business Many Americans are unsure as to what is the correct balance between Presidential power and congressional power – which is more responsible when things go wrong? Procedures etc. are written in what can only be a foreign language to most Americans e.g. adjournments, authorisations, quorum calls Americans know a great deal and are often in touch with their own representative or Senator Re-election of incumbents is extremely high suggesting that there is broad satisfaction with members unless they commit a major faux pas Americans can watch the West Wing to find out how the Presidency works or tune into the White House press briefing For every book published on Congress there are at least 2 dozen on the Presidency.
Key Questions to be asked…. How representative is Congress? Gender, race, delegates or representatives, does it look like America? Why is it so hard to pass legislation through Congress? During the 109 th Congress 2005/6 only 395 out of 13,072 bills were passed into law. What are the political and structural reasons for this? We will also look at the case study – 2001 ‘No Child Left behind Act’.
And more questions……. Why are Congressional Committees so important? ‘Congress in session is Congress on public exhibition, Congress in its committee rooms is Congress at work’ Woodrow Wilson 1885, but still true now! Congressional Standing Committees are permanent, policy specialist institutions, which play a strategic role in both legislation and overseeing the executive branch. Unlike the UK they offer a significant career path for legislators, moreso than the executive branch for many.
And another two…………. Why has Congress become more partisan? Both conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans are becoming a thing of the past. What are the effects of this and why does it matter? Is it better to be a Senator than a House member? We shall look at Creer paths, terms in office, representation and exclusive powers.
Finally…………… What’s wrong with Congress? Approval ratings are at an all time low, there is a lack of competitive seats, there is ideological polarisation, abuse of the Senate filibuster, ineffective oversight of the executive and internal structural weaknesses