2006 HURRICANE NAMES AnalyzeIn-service BasalJ-Curve CRISSKagan DIBELSLee EducateMarzano FCATNorm GainsOrder HistogramPareto Looks Like Another Challenging.


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Presentation transcript:

2006 HURRICANE NAMES AnalyzeIn-service BasalJ-Curve CRISSKagan DIBELSLee EducateMarzano FCATNorm GainsOrder HistogramPareto Looks Like Another Challenging Year

Learning Gains Outcomes: Understand what constitutes a learning gain. Understand what constitutes a learning gain. Understand why “learning” is the focus of data. Understand why “learning” is the focus of data. Assist teachers in identifying needs. Assist teachers in identifying needs. Improve student achievement. Improve student achievement. Increase instructional effectiveness. Increase instructional effectiveness.

No Clear Aim One reason why the proverbial “report card committee” poses such difficulty is that we have not agreed upon the aim of the reporting system. One reason why the proverbial “report card committee” poses such difficulty is that we have not agreed upon the aim of the reporting system. What is the aim of history instruction? What is the aim of history instruction? What do you believe is the aim in your own classroom?

The primary aim of a school system is to increase success and decrease failure. The primary aim of a school system is to increase success and decrease failure. A clear aim unifies people and practices. What unifies your school? Classroom? AIM

According to Piaget, children are most like adults in their feelings and least like adults in their thinking. It is not the responsibility of educators to motivate students, but to determine what is causing them to lose their motivation and stop such practices.

Wrong Definition of “Fair” Fair is not everyone using the same method. Fair is not everyone using the same method. Fair is everyone meeting the same standards. Fair is everyone meeting the same standards. If the pieces don’t fit, don’t force them. If the pieces don’t fit, don’t force them.

Change, But No Improvement Most often we experience change without the foggiest notion whether or not improvement occurred. Most often we experience change without the foggiest notion whether or not improvement occurred. Sometimes, change is like a rocking horse; movement occurs, but when all is said and done, we’ve gone nowhere. Sometimes, change is like a rocking horse; movement occurs, but when all is said and done, we’ve gone nowhere.

Gain Scores Commonly referred to as “Learning Gains” The amount of progress a student makes in one school year.

Learning Gains: Who Qualifies?   All students with a pre- and post-test, including all subgroups (ESE, LEP, etc.).   All students with matched, consecutive year (i.e & 2006) FCAT SSS results, grades 4-10, who were enrolled in the same school surveys 2 & 3 (FTE).

Learning Gains: Which Scores? Gains apply in reading and math, not writing or science. Pre-test may be from same school, same district, or anywhere in the state.

Learning Gains: What equals Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)? A. Improve FCAT Achievement Levels from 2005 to 2006 (e.g. 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5) OR B. Maintain “satisfactory” Achievement Levels from (e.g. 3-3, 4-4, 5-5) OR C. Demonstrate more than one year’s growth within Level 1 or Level 2 - determined by DSS Cut Points (not applicable for retained students)

Learning Gains: Retainees A retained student can only be counted as making adequate progress if he/she: Moves up one level. (e.g. 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5) Maintains a level 3, 4, or 5.

Developmental Scale Score Gains Table (DSS Cut Points) Students achieving within Level 1 (or within Level 2) for two consecutive years must gain at least one point more than those listed in the table in order to satisfy the “making annual learning gains” component of the school accountability system. Grade Level ChangeReadingMathematics 3 to to to to to to to

Learning Gains: Activity Using the data on the following table, determine:   which students made a learning gain   what percentage of the students made a learning gain

Data Display for FCAT Reading Results Student04/05 Grade Level 05/06 Grade Level Pre-test Achievement Level Pre- test DSS Post-test Achievement Level Post- test DSS Learning Gain Determination A78Level 1Level 2Yes or No Reason: A, B, or C B78Level 4 Yes or No Reason: A, B, or C C78Level 21598Level 21743Yes or No Reason: A, B, or C D88Level 1Level 2Yes or No Reason: A, B, or C E88Level 3 Yes or No Reason: A, B, or C F88Level 11486Level 11653Yes or No Reason: A, B, or C G78Level 5Level 4Yes or No Reason: A, B, or C

Teacher Learning Gains Based on Data Display 5 out of 7 students made learning gains. 71% of this teacher’s students made learning gains and add points towards the school’s grade. No points are given to the school for Student F because he was retained and stayed within level 1 – even though he made significant gains in DSS points. No points are given to Student G because he decreased a level. Total Number of Students with a Pre and Post-test who qualify for learning gain calculations: Reason A Increased 1 or more Achievement Levels Reason B Maintains “satisfactory” levels (3, 4, or 5) Reason C DSS Target Gain (More than a year’s growth) 7221

Class Record Sheet for Learning Gains FCAT Data Inquiry website:

Learning is the Constant We say “you can lead a horse to water, but cannot make him drink,” which means I teach but have little impact upon learning. Teaching is the constant in classrooms; learning is the variable. Learning should be the constant; teaching the variable.

Learning Sequence How would you use data to drive your learning environment?

Gather Data Graph Data Analyze Data Generate Hypothesis using Insight Allow insight to drive instruction Assess individual students’ learning gains Learning Sequence Utilize on PDP

Conclusion Utilizing and analyzing data allows educators to do a fair job of leading the vast majority of students to meet grade-level standards. Utilizing and analyzing data allows educators to do a fair job of leading the vast majority of students to meet grade-level standards. The key is using the statistical tools to create teams (teacher & students, teachers and principals, site staff and district office staff) that are working together to create all-time-bests in every aspect of schooling. The key is using the statistical tools to create teams (teacher & students, teachers and principals, site staff and district office staff) that are working together to create all-time-bests in every aspect of schooling.

References Bernhardt, Victoria L. Data Analysis for Comprehensive School Improvement, Eye on Education, Inc., Bernhardt, Victoria L. Data Analysis for Comprehensive School Improvement, Eye on Education, Inc., Wahlstrom, D. Using Data to Improve Student Achievement, Successline: Virginia Beach, Wahlstrom, D. Using Data to Improve Student Achievement, Successline: Virginia Beach, 1999.