facebook Ruby – One of those hideous books where the Mother dies. WallPhotosFlairBoxesRuby MillikenLogout View photos of Ruby (8) Send Ruby a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: L.A. California Birthday: Dec, 1989 Political: Independent Religion: unknown Hometown: Boston, Mass. Friends Aunt Duffy Ruby – Wyatt Moody is not as bad as I thought, sparks are still flying and we got the lead role in the school play Pygmalion I found out today my Dad has always loved me and he is gay. Now I have Dad and Max. I find out my Dad’s real name is Ripley Loogy not Whip Logan. Ruby – Lizzie calls to tell me that Ray is not in love with Amber, but he is in love with her. I am heart broken. My Ray falls in love with my best friend. Now I have no one. Ruby – New school: Lakewood High, new friends: (the in crowd) Colette, Crystal, Bette, Madison, new class: Dream Interpretation, teacher: Feather, sparks fly Wyatt Moody touches my knee with his. Ruby – Is Cameron Diaz going to be my Stepmother? I meet my Dad Whip Logan and his assistant/ personal trainer/ all-round life saver, Max (Aunt Max) who loves a guy named Ripley. Aunt Duffy leaves the country for six months with her new boyfriend and we have no way to talk to each other. Ruby – Fly from Boston to L.A. 3,000 miles away from my life, Ray, Lizzie, school, Aunt Duffy and my dead Mom. Ray gave me drawing of a house called Ruby’s Slipper Ruby – My earliest memory is when my Aunt Duffy took me to see my Dad. At the Movies! MomDadRay Lizzie Cameron
Personal Information facebook Ruby – is playing the part of Eliza Doolittle in the Lakewood School play Pygmalion WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout View photos of Ruby (8) Send Ruby a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: L.A. California Birthday: Dec., 1989 Political: Independent Religion: unknown Hometown: Boston, Mass. Photos Networks: L.A. California Sex: Female Birthday: December, 1989 Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts Relationship Status: Single Political Views: Independent Religious Views: unknown Activities: Getting the part of Eliza Doolittle in the Lakewood school play Pygmalion, ing my best friend Lizzie, hanging out with my Dad and Aunt Max Interests: Reading, listening to music, buying maps to the stars homes. Favorite Music: Eminem CD’s Favorite Movies: All the movies staring Whip Logan Favorite TV Shows: MTV and Cribs Favorite Books: Stuck in Neutral, The whipping Boy, A Wrinkle in Time, Tuck Everlasting, To Kill a Mockingbird, Speak, Hard Love, Hope Was Here, Charlotte’s Web and anything written by Richard Peck. Mom Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums Dad Updated today Contact Information Address: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York E - Mail:
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Ruby & friends 8 Photos Ruby’s Albums 2 Photo Alums MomRuby’s profile 1 photo Ruby – is best friends with Lizzie again! Cameron Diaz Dad – Whip Logan Lizzie BrodyAunt Duffy Ray Johnston My Mother Wyatt Moody Max (Aunt Max)
Sonya Sones Honors for One of those books where the mother dies winner of the Tennessee Volunteer State Teen Read Award (2006) winner of the Iowa Golden Apple Teen Read Award (2006) winner of the Rhode Island Teen Book Award ( ) winner of the New Hampshire Isinglass Teen Read Award ( ) winner of the South Carolina Mustang Book Award (2005) winner of the 2004 Cuffie Award from Publisher’s Weekly for the Best Book Title of the Year chosen a Popular Paperback for Young Adults by the American Library Association named an International Reading Association Young Adults’ Choice (2006) named a 2005 Best Book for Young Adults by the American Library Association named a 2005 Quick Pick for Reluctant Young Adult Readers by the American Library Association nominated by the American Library Association to be a 2004 Teens’ Top Ten Book named an Honor Book by the Society of School Librarians International (2004) chosen a Kliatt Editor’s Choice: Best of 2004 Hardcover Fiction chosen a Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Teen Book List (2004) chosen a New York Pubic Library Book for the Teen Age (2005) Sones, Sonya, One of those hideous books where the mother dies, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1230 avenue of the Americas, New York, New York, 10020, Copyright 2004 by Sonya Sones Reading level: Ages 12 + Hardback: 268 pages Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Language: English ISBN Copyright 2004 by Sonya Sones More Honors and Awards chosen for the New York State Charlotte Award Suggested Reading List 2006 chosen a Westchester’s Choice List: Best Young Adult Book (2005) chosen for the Texas Tayshas High School Reading List chosen a YASIG Best of the Best (Missouri) chosen a Kansas State Reading Circle Senior High School Titles Top Pick 2005 chosen a Pennsylvania School Librarian Association (PSLA) "Top Ten (Or So)" Young Adult Books 2004 chosen a PSLA Young Adult Top 40 Fiction List 2004 chosen an Amazon.com Top Ten Editor’s Pick for Teens (2004) chosen a Top Ten Summer Read by Girl’s Life Magazine (2004) Nominated for the following state book awards: Arizona Young Reader's Award (2005 – 2006) Florida Teen Reads Award ( ) Maine Student Book Award (2005 – 2006) Pennsylvania Young Reader's Choice Award (2005 – 2006) Missouri Gateway Readers Award ( ) Eliot Rosewater High School Book Award (IN) ( ) Garden State Teen Book Award (NJ) (2007)