ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES 1.Allowances 2.Code of conduct 3.Certificates 4.Security
ALLOWANCES During training –Meal allowance is K60.00 –IncidentalK20.00 –Total K80.00 K20.00 will be deducted from the meal allowance for snack and lunch.
Provincial Participants Transport fare from their homes to the airport will be reimbursed. If you stayed in a hotel while in transit, you will be reimbursed if you present the receipt. Any other expenses incurred on the trip to Port Moresby will be reimbursed.
Non residents You will receive K10.00 per day in addition to the K60.00 to cover transport to and from the training venue. You will be expected to be punctual everyday.
ALLOWANCES IN THE FIELD Camping allowance and accommodation K for Team leaders K for others NB. No accommodation will be paid. Provincial Focal points will also receive some allowance.
OTHER PAYMENTS All vehicle hire All boat/dinghy hire All airfares Negotiate for a reasonable fares/hire All receipts should be endorsed by team leader
CODE OF CONDUCT No chewing of betel nut during training or data collection. No smoking during training or data collection. No use of alcohol and other substances Comply with all rules outlined during the training.
Cont’d… Respect all facilitators and colleagues Comply with all rules in Guest houses. NB. Any misconduct will result in termination of participation.
CERTIFICATES Certificate of Attendance for the training course in the 1 st week Certificate of Successful completion of the survey.
SECURITY Remember: Your safety is your own responsibility. Do not go out in the night. Take extra precaution and measures so that you do not become a victim of any hold up/attack.