“The voice of the commercial occupational health and wellbeing providers – influencing policy development, sharing knowledge and best practice, and promoting the benefits of occupational health and wellbeing services to employees, employers and the health of the UK”
AGM - Board Report On Activity Introducing the COHPA team and Board Progress review of 2014/15 priorities Changes in COHPA Membership 2015/16 Objectives
COHPA Board and Management Alex Jones, Co-Chair Lisa Allan, Co-Chair Tom Grant Scot Smith James Blackhurst, Treasurer Dr Bob Guest Deb King COHPA Association Manager
Progress In The Last 12 months Priorities for 2014/15: 1.Surveying Members to understand what COHPA Members wanted/needed I.Assisting Members to develop their businesses II.Networking and Educational Events III.Sharing best practice 2.Inviting Members to get involved 3.Appointed a Clinical Board Member 4.Refresh the COHPA website and maintain updated content 5.Procure an appropriate CRM system to securely and accurately maintain Members contact details 6.Develop COHPA recommended standards
Progress In The Last 12 months What have we done: New members of the COHPA team Fundamental review of COHPA’s administration Implement a new CRM system Develop new interactive website Talked and listened to Members Introduction to Fit For Work event January 2015 Started collaborating with relevant bodies for mutual benefits EAPA, IOSH and Council for Work and Health Consulted with Members and introduced the COHPA recommended Code of Conduct that includes recommended standards for the handling, storage and transfer of medical records
The New Look For COHPA On-line Professional feel, with inbuilt SEO’s Facility to join & renew membership, and book events; payments on-line for monthly standing orders at no additional costs to members Data capture from employers enquiries so PSBs can be tracked Members logos included to raise members profiles
COHPA Membership Review Categories A, B and C – small fluctuations but remained largely static Categories D & E – particular growth over the last 12 months Category F - proved very popular and represents 23% of our membership, the second largest category Associate Category - removed in Of the 36 Associates, 21 have transferred to the new membership Overall Membership has declined since 2013, mainly attributed to the pricing restructure in 2014, but revenues have maintained.
Our Aims Are Clear We want to provide all Members with value. Our new Management are here to support all Members. Please get in touch with Deb and provide your feedback, ideas and suggestions. We are all committed to COHPA – to ensure that it is recognised as the UK’s leading Association for networking, information sharing and promoting the benefits of all aspects Occupational Health and Wellbeing.
Our Objectives For COHPA – 15/16 Meet Members Needs CPD meetings relevant to business needs, aim to arrange 3 regional meeting per year National bi-annual training events, the first being spirometry training planned for November 2015 Assist Members develop their business by, Relevant quarterly bulletins (December, March, June and September) Using PSBs more proactively Raise the profile of COHPA and its Members proactively networking with business Work with Suppliers to negotiate Member discounts on products and services Improve communication between COHPA and its Members Launch the new COHPA website Push valuable industry news to the forefront, keeping Members informed Sharing best practice and evidence
Our Objectives For COHPA – 15/16 Make Members more attractive to Employers Raise COHPA member profile at networking events; CIPD, Chamber of Commerce, IOSH Market the COHPA Code of Conduct to Employers, promoting COHPA Members Partnership and collaboration with relevant Bodies; Council for Work and Health, EAPA, relevant Suppliers Increase Membership with 80% retention Monthly payment options with no additional charges, no joining fees, easy renewal system with personal contact from COHPA requesting completion of a satisfaction survey to record feedback Introduce Student membership and bursary scheme - COHPA to lead in demonstrating sustainable resources – target of 10 Student Members per year Increase the proportion of Wellbeing providers as Members.
Key Dates For Your Diaries October 1 st – Launch of COHPA website December – Spirometry Training Course, London venue (date TBC) 2016 March 8 th – 9 th Health & Wellbeing at Work 2016; to include Fit4Work update meeting for COHPA members Including COHPA & EAPA Dinner Tuesday 8 th March Birmingham May – COHPA Members training September 21 st COHPA AGM & Update Meeting (venue TBC)
Special Thanks To Our Sponsors
“The voice of the commercial occupational health and wellbeing providers – influencing policy development, sharing knowledge and best practice, and promoting the benefits of occupational health and wellbeing services to employees, employers and the health of the UK”