2 nd “Say More” Go there first Acknowledge – like it or not Mary Kay Ash In advance….commitment
2 nd “Say More” “My approaches to the Sales Team were falling flat and I found it hard to get reactions and responses. Now I can quickly hook and keep attention when I present and when I write. I’m included in discussions and am treated as a valuable part of the team.” Thelma Putzel, Education Sales Software Company, USA
3 rd “Say More”
“No” puts people on defensive Start of combat Use it to buy yourself time Keep people open to you Say ‘no’ without having to….
3 rd “Say More” “I’m now able to be more concise and direct, confident and kind with my clients. I stand my ground but am able to be flexible so everyone feels heard and understood. Everyone wins.” Peggy Murrah, Texas USA
1st “Watch Your BUT”
That report was great…. You look really well… I love how you did this…. Thanks for that …..
1st “Watch Your BUT”
Build a bridge with ‘AND’
1st “Watch Your BUT” Flip it!
1st “Watch Your BUT” Ann’s ‘Present & Express Your Best Self’ turnaround”
2 nd “Why?”
2 nd Why They’re “On Guard!” ‘Because’ = justification Watching my back Keep people open to you Ask Who/What/When/Where/How
POWer Boost!
Now what for us?
“Why Don’t You Just Ask?” Ask for and keep going for what you want (All without being pushy or sounding needy) MP3 Recording Plus Handy Handout What to tell yourself before you ask to make you strong and certain A simple model to drop your words into to be easily persuasive How to comfortably handle any ‘No’ – and keep on going Find the UNDENIABLE truth at your fingertips (hint - you probably never use this!) Opportunity for 5 ‘Be Seen & Heard Now’ private sessions
Just to ‘Position’ Ali’s Story about Asking.. Ali Wharmby, Senior Team Lead, Local Government, Oxfordshire
Let me ‘position’ this for You “The way we communicate with others - and with ourselves - ultimately determines the quality of our lives.” Tony Robbins Multimillionaire Author & Speaker