Emergency Response to Terrorism: Federal Emergency Management Agency United States Fire AdministrationNational Fire Academy Basic Concepts
COURSE OVERVIEW Meeting the Needs of Emergency Responders
COURSE OVERVIEW B iological N uclear C hemical I ncendiary E xplosives
COURSE GOALS 1.Define and discuss terrorism, including significant incidents that have occured within the United States. 2.Recognize circumstances and on-scene key indicators which may indicate a suspicious incident. 3.Implement appropriate self protective measures. 4.Define scene security requirements unique to terrorist incidents.
5.Make appropriate notifications. 6.Describe and define defensive considerations associated with biological, nuclear, incendiary, chemical, and explosives (B-NICE) incidents. 7.Describe command and control issues associated with crime scene activities. 8.Define and describe recovery and termination issues associated with terrorist incidents. COURSE GOALS
WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? Fire Service Personnel EMS Responders Hazmat Responders
Secondary Audiences: Law Enforcement Personnel Emergency Communications Personnel Emergency Management Personnel Public Works Management Public Health Workers Armed Forces, Reserves, National Guard Disaster Response Agencies WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?
COURSE OUTLINE Module 1:Understanding and Recognizing Terrorism Module 2:Implementing Self Protective Measures Module 3:Scene Security Module 4:Tactical Considerations Module 5:Incident Management Overview Comprehensive Activity Final Exam
STUDENT MANUAL CONTENTS Objectives Narrative Activity Worksheets Bibliography Glossary Appendices