Welcome to Grade 7! Upcoming Dates - September 17 th School Pizza, and Math Night 5:30-7:00 p.m. -September 18 th P.A. Day (No School) -September 22 nd School Mass at St. Ambrose 1:00 p.m. -September 24 th, Picture Day -September 25 th, Terry Fox Run -October 1 st, Holiday Catalogue Kick Off Assembly 2:20 p.m. Welcome to a new school year. My name is Elsa Lemos and I will be teaching your child this year. I look forward to discovering your child’s many gifts, and to working with your family. This year we will strive for academic, social, and personal success. Your support is essential. I believe that when teachers, parents, and students collaborate together, wonderful and rewarding learning can happen. This week, we are reviewing school and classroom procedures and expectations. School policies and procedures are clearly outlined in the school agenda on pages 2-8 for your reference. The “Nutrition Policy” continues to be in effect to help ensure kids are well nourished and ready to learn. A healthy breakfast is a great start, and we encourage snacks such as fruits and vegetables (e.g. carrots, celery sticks, crackers, yogurt) and juice or water in class. We are a nut free school and ask that you do not send foods that contain nuts or by-products. In class, we collaboratively agreed that our motto is to strive to show respect at all times. Respect to each other, for ourselves, and our environment. Together we created “Classroom Rights and Responsibilities” to ensure that we all do our best to create a safe, inclusive, Christ-centred classroom that supports learning for everyone. Class Theme: Stand Up, Shine and Share Your Gifts! Our Classroom Rights and Responsibilities Rights: To be treated respectfully and as we would want to be treated To learn in a safe environment To express our ideas and opinions positively To have choices and celebrate who we are and how we learn To be listened to Responsibilities: We will... Be kind, caring and respectful Respect different opinions Listen to each other Take care of our environment (our class and other’s belongings) Help each other be our best Take ownership for our actions
What are We Learning? Language Reading and Writing: We are learning to identify key ideas in texts to create summaries and paragraphs. We are also identifying key strategies we can use before, during and after reading to help us increase our understanding of words and texts. Math: Celebrating “7” Unit with a focus on understanding the mathematical processes we use to problem-solve and communicate our thinking in a variety of inquiry and real-life problems. We will also begin our “Describing Patterns and On Into Integers” Unit with a focus on representing patterns and understanding integers, operations with integers, and how we use them in everyday life. Family Life and Religion: In our “Who Am I ?”unit, we are discovering our many gifts, values, personality traits, and self concept to help us create personal, academic, and spiritual goals. In “Our Church is Apostolic” unit, we will explore the roles and responsibilities of the Pope and the College of Bishops as the Magisterium. Health: We are learning about the importance of making healthy choices and assessing personal safety (e.g. understanding bullying, its implications, and prevention) Phys-Ed: We are assessing our personal fitness level to help us plan and participate in a wide variety of physical activities to improve our health Science: We are learning about the particle theory to help us explain the physical characteristics of matter. We will also learn about the different properties of matter, how they impact us, and how we use them. History: New France and British North America Unit. We are learning about the various groups in Canada between 1713 and 1800 in order to be able to compare them to the lives of people in Canada today. Art: We are reviewing the elements of design and applying them to create works of art that communicate an idea, or message. Cool Math Links Quality of the Month Be a Responsible Citizen How can you help make positive decisions and contribute in making your class, school and community a better place? Why not simplify things? Sign up for “School Cash On- Line” and pay for your child’s trips, pizza, etc., and never worry about sending in money. Visit: Wcdsb.SchoolCa shOnline.com