Respect Who should we respect and why?
Leaders’ debate Leanne Wood 0 Nigel Farage 0 Nicola Sturgeon 0 David Cameron 0 Natalie Bennett 0 Nick Clegg 0 Ed Miliband
On May 7 th …
Democracy Democracy is a form of government in which the people take part in governing. In the United Kingdom this is by voting for the people who represent us. The word originates from ancient Greek and means ‘rule of the people’
Who will be Prime Minister?
Our Government Is elected by the people Makes laws and decisions on our behalf We have to abide by these rules and respect the rule of law.
Over to you… Look at the following website at home with your parents. voting/general/general-election-timetable-2015/ - jump- link-2 Find out about each of the political parties and what they say they will do for the country Hold a debate in your class about one of the key issues facing the voters at the General Election
Behaviour of the week A DEMOCRATIC VOTE… Showing respect to everyone at school Respecting the views and opinions of others Respecting our environment WE ALL MUST RESECT THE CHOICE THE MAJORITY MAKES