Hosted By: Cathy Kunkel
Reasons for training Rich is going to send us the Medicare change requirements Online classes expensive Tailored to Wyoming
“holding individuals with disabilities to the same employment standards, responsibilities, and expectations as any working-age adult” For more information visit us at Employment First
History of the Disability Movement Understanding the evolution of disability services, including employment, serves as the foundation of how we got where we are and the importance of why we are here For more information visit us at
its elements include Typical or customized employment techniques Minimum or prevailing wages Integration and interaction with co-workers But
For more information visit us at Categories1960’s & 1970’s1980’s1990’s2000’s ModelMedicalDevelopmental Community-Based Integration Driven by Individual Characteristics Custodial Treatment Deprivation Continuous, Get Ready Slots Networking, Civil Rights, Relationships, Natural Supports Choice, Self- Determination, Economic Power Society RolePatientClientConsumer, Customer Social Inclusion Social Expectations Citizenship Employment Isolation No Work Work Activity Segregation Work Activity Sheltered Workshops Supported Integration Supported Employment Enclaves/Crews Inclusion Competitive Employment ResidentialInstitutionGroup Living Supported Living Integration Home Ownership Community Inclusion
Values and Benefits of Integrated Employment For more information visit us at Values-- a person's principles; one's judgment of what is important; an unwavering and unchanging guide that dictates behavior and action Fundamentally, the right to work for a person with a disability is a civil rights issue. Practically, work is what we do. Having a job fosters self- worth, opens opportunities for social growth, and leads to greater independence. Economically, it makes good business sense.
Core Values Anyone who wants to work can For more information visit us at
Debrief & Discussion For more information visit us at
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Employment First “Employment First” asserts that employment is the first priority and preferred outcome of youth and adults with disabilities. For more information visit us at APSE Employment First Manifesto
Thanks to our sponsors Anyone you recruit Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities Bridges
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