Apartheid South Africa’s segregation policy Pietro malky Eduardo Inarra Jorge Eduardo España Glenda Bohrt
The Apartheid Apartheid laws officially enacted in 1948 institutionalizing racial discrimination Everyone was classified as white black (African) or colored (non-whites and non- blacks) Classification based on appearance blacks had to carry pass books with fingerprints photos and information.
Segregation In 1951 homelands were created Independent states to which Africans were assigned Could only vote within the homeland Africans lost their citizenship in South Africa Africans needed passports to enter areas of South Africa outside their homelands
Penalties Starting in the 1950s greater penalties were enacted Those protesting against apartheid in any way could be fined imprisoned and/or whipped Penalties on protests even non-violent were harsh People could be detained for up to 6 months Those who were tried were often sentenced to life in prison banishment or death
End of Apartheid As a result of South Africas apartheid laws many nations imposed sanctions on the country In 1989 apartheid laws were repealed Many political prisoners were released by 1990 including Nelson Mandela