Sponsored by the National Science Foundation GEC19 Outbrief: GENI in the Classroom, Experimenter-Developer Roundtable, Tutorials Vic Thomas, Niky Riga March
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 PRESENTATION DATE HERE GENI-in-the Classroom Prasad Calyam (Missouri) and Jelena Marasevic (Columbia): Experiences using GENI in their classroom last Fall –Prasad – Cloud Computing – Assignments with AWS and GENI GENI exercises used the GENI OF backbone –Jelena – WiMAX class – Students learn first-hand the vagaries of wireless networks Overall, students had good learning experiences –Both Prasad and Jelena plan on using GENI again
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 PRESENTATION DATE HERE GENI-in-the-Classroom Jay, Fraida and Mike building educational resources Should have a good body of material ready by Fall 2014 –Modules (videos, instructor guides) used by instructor to teach networking concepts –Exercises for students to do –Classroom-as-a-Service: Available now – Fraida NY Poly Short networking class for the masses in MOOC format this summer
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 PRESENTATION DATE HERE Experimenter-Developer Roundtable Invited five advanced experimenters to talk about their experiences using GENI –Stitching, OpenFlow, Resource intensive Well attended by developers Common complaints –Problems with losing resources (mostly due to expiration) –Need to start experiment from scratch if something goes wrong: Can’t replace resources the expired/didn’t come up Related: Can’t grow experiment –OS images Standard: Images that are available on all aggregates Portable: From one aggregate type to another
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 PRESENTATION DATE HERE Tutorials 11 tutorials, 5 new –Running RINA on GENI –Inter-Aggregate Experiments –Developing SDN applications w/ OpenDaylight –Distributed computing with GENI: Hadoop in a Slice –Train the Admin Thanks: –Tutorial leaders –Don and Russ for logistics Network worked very well – made for a good tutorial experience Printing tutorial instructions –EG and IG teams – watching over resources More tutorials than any other GEC –Not counting repeated tutorials –Growing diversity of interests and experiences of experimenters –Possible because of the much larger number of racks available
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 PRESENTATION DATE HERE Upcoming Training Opportunities Tutorial slides and instructions online –Do try them at home GENI Tutorial at SIGCOMM 2014 – August 2014 GENI Summer Iowa State U. –Probably last week of May (starting Wed after Memorial Day) Join the geni-users Google Group –Ask questions, support fellow experimenters