Subtitle The diversity of North America
Diversity The condition of having or being composed of differing elements : variety; especially : the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. and-sounds-of-north-america/ and-sounds-of-north-america/
North America Countries: Canada, U.S.A and Mexico Location: northern and western hemispheres Borders North: Artic Ocean Southwest – Pacific ocean East and southeast – Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean sea Climate: most of the world’s climate can be found there. Ex: tundra, taiga, tropical, etc…
Biggest Country (by land area): Canada Largest Nation (of people): the USA is home to almost 312 million. Languages: English, Spanish and French are most commonly spoken. In the Canadian state of Quebec four of every five people speak French at home.
Natural Resources Anything that people can use which comes from nature. People do not make natural resources, but gather them from the earth. Examples of natural resources are air, water, wood, oil, wind energy, iron, and coal. Division of natural resources: Renewable – the amount of resources can stay the same or even increase. Ex: water, plants, animals Non-renewable resources - Available only in a fix amount. Ex: Oil, metal, natural gas.
Canada’s natural resources One of the few nations that exports energy. Resources that are found in great quantities: Crude oil- one of the main component of petroleum natural gas – layer of gas found on top of petroleum. Use by many industries that need heat.
U.S.A natural resources Rich soil – it allows a great variety of crops to be grown. Ex: corn, wheat, sugar, tobacco, cotton, oranges and many more. Fishing has one of the biggest fleet in the world. Lumber one of the biggest producers of lumber (wood) because of the vast amount of forest. Minerals Coal, Iron, Gold, steel and oil. The overuse of soil is a concern because it make the land no longer fertile. Water is also been overuse. Irrigation has become very important and the creation of dams have help a lot. Ex: Hoover Dam
Mexico natural resources Most found underground Very rich in mineral resources such as silver, copper, Iron, Zinc and gold are found in deposits. Petroleum in the most valuable resource