Import controls Timothy McKillen Belfast Port Health
Imported Food Belfast
Main responsibilities Food (Non animal origin / Animal origin) Plastic Kitchenware / Food contact materials Organic imports International Health Regulations Ship / Aircraft inspection Public Health.
EC Regulation 882/2004 Is the main legislation setting out the principles of checks on food imports; which is implemented into law in the Official Feed and Food Controls Regulations 2009.
Council Directive 97/78/EC The legislation that imposes the specific checks over food and feed is:- Commission Regulation (EC) 669/2009, which applies Commission Regulation (EC) 669/2009 checks on products that have been determined to be an emerging risk. Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) 884/2014 Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) 884/2014 applies to food and feed products that are of a known risk of aflatoxin contamination. Products controlled under these Regulations must enter the EU through a designated point of entry (DPE) and the prior notification and documentary checks may only be completed at a DPE
Council Directive 97/78/EC European Council Directive 97/78/EC is the main legislation setting out the principles of veterinary checks on imports. POAO must enter the EU through a BIP. BIP’s are approved by the member states Central competent authority and the European Commission as they must meet the requirements laid down in Commission Decision 2001/812/EC. These inspection facilities and procedures are audited by the EC’s Food and Veterinary Office to ensure that the standards are maintained.
Import of Polyamide and Melamine Plastic Kitchenware from China and Hong Kong Commission Regulation (EU) 284/2011 establishes the import conditions. Plastic kitchenware can only be imported through a port designated as a First Point of Introduction.
Imports of Organic products Organic imports are subjected to border controls to ensure that organic products imported into the European Community are compliant with organic production standards. Council Regulation 834/2007Council Regulation 834/2007 on organic production and labelling of products. Commission Regulation 1235/2008 (as amended)Commission Regulation 1235/2008 (as amended) establishes the arrangements for the import of organic products.
Proposal for a new Regulation on official controls In May 2013 the Commission published a proposal to revise the rules on official controls. The proposal aims to simplify and clarify the legal framework applicable to official controls, promote an integrated approach to official controls across the entire agri-food chain and ensure that Member States appropriately resource control authorities through fees charged on operators. Border Control Post