한국정보통신대학교 천정희 Nonlinear Resilient Functions Jung Hee Cheon Information and Communications University (ICU)
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 2/51 Linear Resilient Functions An [n,m,d] linear code is an m-dimensional subspace C of GF(2) n such that the Hamming distance between any two vectors in C is at least d. Generating matrix G: an m×n matrix whose rows form a basis for C. [CGH85] f(x)=xG T is an (n,m,d-1)-resilient function. The existence of an [n,k,d] linear code is equivalent to the existence of a linear (n,k,d-1)-resilient function.
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 3/51 Nonlinear Resilient Functions Conjecture 1: If there is a (n,m,k)-resilient function, does there exist a linear (n,m,k)-resilient function? Disproved by Stinson and Massey(1995) -An infinite class of counterexamples to a conjecture concerning nonlinear resilient functions (Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 8, 1995) -Construct nonlinear resilient functions from the Kerdock and Preparata codes -Showed nonexistence of linear resilient functions with the same parameter -For any odd integer r 3, a (2 r+1, 2 r+1 -2r-2, 5)-resilient function exists. -For r=3, (16,8,5)-resilient function exists.
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 4/51 Zhang and Zheng’s Construction Composition of a resilient function and nonlinear permutation gives a nonlinear resilient function F: a linear (n,m,k)-resilient function G: a permutation on GF(2) m with nonlinearity N G The P=G·F is a (n,m,k)-resilient function such that the nonlinearity of P is 2 n-m N G the algebraic degree of P is the same as that of G Note that composition of a permutation does not change the frequency of the output
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 5/51 Zhang and Zheng’s Construction (Cont.) Converse of the conjecture 1 holds. If there is a linear function with certain parameters, then there exists a nonlinear resilient function with the same parameters. Limitation of ZZ construction Nonlinear Resilient Functions gives better parameters and should be studied. Limitation of ZZ construction The algebraic degree of F is at most the output size m It gives a parameter which corresponds to a linear resilient function
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 6/51 Algebraic Degree and Nonlinearity Algebraic Degree of a Boolean function is the maximum of the degrees of the terms of f when written in reduced form A linear function has algebraic degree 1 The maximum algebraic degree is the size of input. The nonlinearity of a Boolean function f is the distance from affine function N(f) = min wt(f+ ) where ranges over all affine functions. Nonlinearity is an important measure for the resistance against linear cryptanalysis a block cipher The nonlinearity of a vector Boolean function F is the minimum nonlinearity of each component function b · F. The nonlinearity of a linear function is 0
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 7/51 Nonlinearity Known Results for nonlinearity of polynomials N(x 2 k +1 ) = 2 n-1 – 2 (n+s)/2-1 if n/s is odd for s = gcd(n,k). N(x 2 2k -2 k +1 ) = 2 n-1 – 2 (n-1)/2 if n is odd and gcd(n,k) = 1. N(x -1 ) = 2 n-1 – 2 n/2 (By notation, 0 -1 = 0) N(F(x)) 2 n-1 - k-1/2 · 2 n/2 if F is a polynominal of degree k in F 2 n. N(F(1/x)) 2 n-1 - k+1/2 · 2 n/2 if F is a polynominal of degree k in F 2 n. Nonlinearity of a polynomial is related with the number of rational points of associated algebraic curves. What is the maximal nonlinearity of a balanced Boolean function with odd n ?
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 8/51 Stream Ciphers and Resilient Functions Siegenthaler, 1984 The complexity of a Combining Generator depends on the resiliency of the combining function F. Divide-and-Conquer Attack (Correlation Attack) - If the output of F has a correlation with the output of KSG1, we can find the initial vector of the KSG1 KSG 1 KSG 2 KSG n F
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 9/51 Previous Studies Siegenthaler Resiliency v.s. Algebraic Degree k + d < n for a (n,1,k)-resilient function with algebraic degree d Chee, Seberry, Zhang, Zheng, Carlet, Sarkar, Maitar, Tarannikov Resiliency v.s. Nonlinearity Try to maximize nonlinearity given parameters Other works Find the relation between cryptographic properties of Boolean functions - Nonlinearity, Algebraic degree, Resiliency, APN, SAC, PC, GAC, LS Count the number of Boolean functions satisfying certain properties
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 10/51 Multi-output Stream Ciphers To design a multi-output stream cipher based on a combining generator, we need a resilient function which is nonlinear has algebraic degree as large as possible has nonlinearity as large as possible has resiliency as large as possible KSG 1 KSG 2 KSG n F
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 11/51 Resiliency of a Boolean function f(x) : a Boolean Function on GF(2) n ker(f) = {x GF(2) n | f(x+y)+f(x)+f(y)=0 for all y GF(2) n } B={a 1,a 2,a 3,…,a n } a basis whose first w elements forms a basis of ker(f) Let c=(f(a 1 )+1, …, f(a n )+1) Theorem 1. f(x)+Tr[cx] is a (w-1)-resilient function for the dimension w of ker(f)
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 12/51 Application A linearized polynomial is a polynomial over GF(2 n ) such that each of its terms has a degree of a power of 2 V(R) := {x GF(2 n ) | R(x) = 0} forms a vector space over GF(2) Let F(x) = 1/R(x) Define F(x) = 1 when x belongs to V(R) ker(f) = V(R) for any f(x) = Tr[b/R(x)] since We can apply the main theorem
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 13/51 Theorem 2 Tr[bF] is a (w-1)-resilient function under a basis B where
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 14/51 Algebraic Degree and Nonlinearity F(x)=1/R(x) has the algebraic degree n-1-w for the dim w of V(R). F(x) has nonlinearity at least 2 n-1 – 2 w 2 n +2 w-1 Consider a complete nonsingular curve C a,b : y 2 + y = ax+b/R(x) |t|=|#C a,b (GF(2 n ))-2 n -1| 2g 2 n where g=2 w - a,0 is the genus of C a,b #C a,b (GF(2 n ))=2#{x GF(2 n )|ax=b F(x)}+2 w +1 + a,0 C has a point for a root x of R C has two points at the infinity if a =0 and one points otherwise N(F) = 2 n |t-2 w -2 n |
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 15/51 Example
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한국정보통신대학교 천정희 17/51 Vector Resilient Functions Theorem: If a [n,m,d] linear code exists, there is a (n+D+1,m,d-1)- resilient function exists for any non-negative integer D. Note that we can find a linear (n,m,d-1)-resilient function from a [n,m,d] linear code.
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 18/51 A Simplex Code Simplex Codes : a [2 m -1,m,2 m-1 ] linear code for any positive m Each codeword has the weight 2 m-1 It is optimal in the sense that Concatenating each codeword t times gives a [t2 m -1, m, t2 m-1 ] linear code, all of whose codeword have the same weight t2 m-1. Theorem: There is a (t2 m -1+D+1, m, t2 m-1 -1)-resilient function for any positive integer t and D. If there is a (n,m,d) linear code, there exists a (n+t2 m -1+D+1, m, d+t2 m-1 -1)- resilient function for any positive integer t and D.
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 19/51 New Resilient Functions from Old [BGS94] If there is an (n,m,t)-resilient function, there is an (n-1,m,t-1)-resilient function. If there is a linear (n,m,t)-resilient function, there is an (n-1,m-1,t)-resilient function. [ZZ95] If F is an (n,m,t)-resilient functions, then G(x,y)=(F(x) F(y), F(y) F(z)) is an (3n,2m,2t+1)-resilient function. If F is (n,m,t)-resilient and G is (n’,m,t’)-resilient, then F(x) G(y) is (n+n’, m, t+t’+1)-resilient function. If F is (n,m,t)-resilient and G is (n’, m’, t’)-resilient, then F(x) G(y) is (n+n’, m+m’, T)-resilient function where T=min{t,t’}
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 20/51 Stream Ciphers -revisited Correlation Coefficient c(f,g)=#{x|f = g} - #{x|f g} F is k-resilient if W f (w)=c(F,l w )=0 for all w with wt(w) k. Maximal Correlation (Zhang and Agnes, Crypto’00) Let F be a function from GF(2 n ) to GF(2 m ). C F (w)=max c(g ° F, l w ) where g runs through all Boolean functions on GF(2 m ). Here we consider not only linear functions, but also nonlinear functions for g. In a combining generator with more than one bit output, A combining function F should have small maximal correlation (Relate to number of rational points of associated algebraic curves) We should consider a resiliency of a composition with F and a Boolean function which is not necessarily linear.
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 21/51 Questions What is the maximum resiliency given n and m? Find the relation among nonlinearity, resiliency and the size of output? Count resilient functions with certain parameters Relation between nonlinear codes and nonlinear resilient functions Extend Siegenthaler’s Inequality to a function with m>1 k + d < n for a (n,1,k)-resilient function with algebraic degree d
한국정보통신대학교 천정희 22/51 Questions???? DISCUSSION