Mockup Redlining Author: Cédric Moullet, December 2009 Modified by : Alexandre Dube, December 2009
Simple RedLining Draw PtDraw LnDraw PgDraw TxDelAllModifyExpAll Any of these butttons activates the redlining control The 4 first activates the draw control of the corresponding geometry type The modify control lets the user click on one or more feature to edit them Delete all features Export all features (in KML or any chosen type) Import Import features from file (opt) MORE NOTES * all the “draw” buttons are optional, so you can define those you want * the “import” and “export” buttons are also optional * clicking on any button activates the “redlining” control * when activating the “redlining” control, all features become ½ transparent * selected features gain their original styling This feature is unselected This feature is selected
Redlining Manager Complex RedLining PtLnPgTxDAMdEA Close Activate multiple selection Activate snapping Activate rotation handler Activate drag handler Activate “ModifyFeature” after drawing OPTIONS Default Style More style IP Redlining (1) Click on button to activate the redlining (3) The first draw control is auto-activated, ready to draw (2) The RedLining main panel appears. It contains the same buttons as before User options Feature samples with current default style Click to open the GeoExt.Styler to change the default style (4) to let the user can change attributes and or style as soon as a feature is drawn T Red 1x Quick simple style picking Both the above (manual key+click) Geometry manual edition by click Geometry reshaping by drag All snapping options here...
Drawing feature(s) Redlining (1) Click on button to activate the redlining (or any draw button if in simple mode) (2) user digitalize the feature, default styling is used Title : Comments : More style CancelApplyOK (3) (optional) 'editfeature' popup appears if option turned on (see in next slide) (4) user can digitalize as many features as he wants MORE NOTES * here, we can suppose the panel is hidden if we use the “complex” mode (3) (optional) 'editfeature' popup appears if option turned on (see in next slide) Delete Red 1x
Redlining Manager Editing feature : one clicked PtLnPgTxDAMdEA Close Activate multiple selection Activate snapping Activate rotation handler Activate drag handler Activate “ModifyFeature” after drawing OPTIONS Default Style More style IP Redlining T Red 1x Both the above (manual key+click) Geometry manual edition by click Geometry reshaping by drag All snapping options here... Title : Comments : More style CancelApplyOKDelete Red 1x (4) The popup appears. You can : a) edit the attributes (if any) b) change the style of the feature with the quick options and/or the 'more style' button c) OK: apply the changes, unselect the feature and close the popup d) Cancel: restore the changes, unselect the feature and close the popup e) apply the changes but keep the feature selected (and popup opened) (1) Activate the Redlining (or click the “editFeature” button if in simple mode) (2) if in complex mode, click the “modifyFeature” button (3) Click on one feature. Its style is restored to its original state * By default, the unselected features have their original styling + ½ the of their opacity * Only selected features (the ones we currently working with) have their original style (so we know with which features we're working on * Among what we can edit (attribute / style), we can add a ManualGeometryEditing tool (button, for Yves :-) )
Editing feature: many clicked Redlining Cancel all Apply all OK all (1) As soon more than one feature is selected, the popup becomes unlinked to any feature MORE NOTES * please, don't mind the colors of the features here :) * Only selected features (the ones we currently working with) have their original style FeatureList : (2) Selected features are added to a feature list. The information (style and/or atttribute values) are those of the currently selected feature from the list (3) The last selected feature only can have its geometry modified Delete all Title : Comments : More style Red 1x
Editing feature: mouse pointer Redlining Theses changes should be contributed to OpenLayers While the mouse is over a feature or vertex, the pointer should change according to the action a 'click' would produce