Thyroid and Adrenal glands The endocrine system problems
Thyroid Gland overview It is a bilobed organ Located in the front of the neck Hormones support human development, growth and metabolism Triiodothronine Thyroxine Absorbs iodine
Hypothyroidism Thyroid gland doesn’t secrete enough hormone Caused by inflammation most often, can also occur from radiation removal of a piece of the thyroid, birth defects, and viral thyroiditis. Decreased body temp., slowed breathing, low blood pressure/sugar, unconsciousness, infertility, miscarriage, heart disease, increased infection
Hypothyroidism cont. Blood tests needed to check hormone levels Other body parts/processes will be checked also i.e. skin, hair, reflexes, temp., hear (treatment) A hormone pill is needed once a day to regulate hormone levels in the body In the long term, possible fatigue or heart problems could persist, most other symptoms fade 6% of the U.S. population has a form of thyroidism
Adrenal Gland Part of the Endocrine System Located on top of kidneys Produces adrenaline and epinephrine Produces hormones to control balance of salt Can also produce sex hormones but only if overproduction is present
Cushing’s syndrome Cortisol overproduction Causes obesity, sugar intolerance, hypertension, osteoporosis, excessive hair growth, emotional liability, and menstrual irregularity Occurs in 1 patient in every 100,000 Cortisol is a steroid, has detrimental effects on many cells in the human body
Cushing’s Syndrome cont. Excess Cortisol normally comes from a Pituitary Tumor or Adrenal Tumor, Lung cancer can also cause it (tests for Cushing’s Syndrome) Check for amount of Cortisol produced in 24 hours, insertion of a steroid to see if the adrenal gland shuts down – which is normal, CT scan and MRI scan is used to check for tumors if symptoms are present
Cushing’s Syndrome Cont. Single tumors on adrenal glands and pituitary tumors are treated by surgical removal and radiation therapy, for a small well-defined adrenal gland it’s called a laparoscopic adrenalectom Tumors showing cancerous signs need larger operations to treat