Adobe Photoshop Ch 7 Notes Using Positioning Tools
Steps to show or hide the Grid Gridlines are used to BETTER align selections in an Image and they do NOT print. 1.Click On View to display the View Menu 2.Point to Show and the Show submenu appears 3.Click on Grid. The Gridlines will appear immediately in the current image file. 4.Make a selection and use the Move Tool to align it. Note: if selection “jumps around” and won’t align, make sure the “Snap To” feature is turned off. To remove Gridlines, repeat steps 1-3
Steps to show or hide Rulers Come in handy when you need to position selections at a precise location based on a measurement 1.Click on View to display the View Menu 2.Click on Show Rulers 3.Make a selection and use the Move Tool to align it (watch the dotted gray lines on the rulers to judge position as you drag) To remove Rulers, repeat steps 1-3
Using Snap and Snap To Ensures that a selection aligns to the grid or custom guides that you add as you drag. Snap to Guides can be turned off and on individually or for all snapping. By default, snapping to both the grid and guidelines is turned on in Photoshop. The grid must be displayed to enable the command for turning on or off snapping to the grid but this is not true for guidelines. Snap to guidelines is available whether or not you have added guidelines into the image file.
Steps for Using Snap and Snap To 1.Click on View 2.Point to Snap To 3.Click on Guides or Grid (if a check mark appears beside Guides or Grid, that feature is turned on. * Turning off snapping can help when you need position selections relative to one another rather than relative to a grid
Adding Guides Guides serve as Custom gridlines. Add a guideline in a location where no gridline occurs or use guidelines rather than the grid. Click on View Click on New Guide Select the Position text box contents and type a new entry to enter a specific position for the guide. Measurements can be entered in Centimeters – cm Inches – in Points – pt or pixels - px
Locking Guides Guidelines can be locked to prevent any accidental changes To Lock 1. Click on View 2. Click on Lock Guides To Unlock repeat steps 1 & 2
Ch 8 Working With Layers Every image file has at least ONE special layer called the BACKGROUND LAYER When creating a new image, it helps to click on the Transparent option in the New dialog box. *This ensures that white background won’t hide other layers you might add
Creating a New Layer Click on Layer Menu Point to New Click on Layer Name the layer Click OK
Selecting a Layer Click on the layer name in the layers palette. It will appear selected Makes it the (current or active) layer so that changes you make will apply to the layer.
Duplicating a Layer Select the layer. (layer name appears selected in the layer’s palette) Click on Layer to show the Layer Menu Click on Duplicate Layer. Type a name for the layer. Click OK
Copying a Layer between images Open or create the image file to which you want to copy the layer. Open the image file that has the layer to copy Position the image windows so you can drag and drop between them. Click and drag the layers from the l ayers palette Drop the layer on the window for the file you want to copy the layer into.
Adding a Fill Layer Click on Layer Point to New Fill Layer Click on Solid Color Type a Name for the layer Choose Color and Mode Enter or change Opacity as needed Click OK Click on a color in the narrow band of colors near middle of dialog box. Click on color in the Pick a solid color box. Click OK (To change the type of fill for a layer after it is created, select layer, click Layer/New Fill Layer, and select Solid Color, Gradient, or Pattern.
Adding a Gradient Layer Click on foreground color for the gradient on the color bar in the Color palette. Click on Layer Point to New Fill Layer Click on Gradient Name the Layer Choose Color and Mode and change opacity if needed. Color choice – applies a color to the new layer’s listing in the Layer’s Palette Mode – controls how pixels on layer blend with pixels on other layers. Click OK Click on Style box and choose style
Creating a Pattern Layer Open or create the image file that holds the area to use as the pattern. Select the area you want to use as a pattern using the selection tool of your choice. Click on Edit. Click on Define Pattern Type a name for the pattern in the Name text box. Click OK
Adding a Pattern Layer Open or create the image file into which you want to add a pattern layer. Click on Layer for the Layer Menu. Point to New Fill Layer Click on Pattern Name the Layer Choose color, mode & opacity if needed. Clic k OK If needed, click on the down arrow beside the Pattern Picker box and select Pattern Enter a Scale amt. Photoshop adjust the size of the repeated pattern. Click OK