Chapter2 Create animation
Objectives Import image Use the blank keyframe Add sound Publish the movie as an SWF file Use a motion tween animation
Import JPEG Images into the library Step 1 : Start Adobe Flash. Choose Flash File (AS3). Save this new flash document Step2 : Choose file > Import > Import to library…. Use the dialog box to locate the JPEG files j1,j2, j3, j4, j5, and j6 saved on the folder. Step 3 : Select all six JPEG files by Shift- clicking each one in turn. Click Open.
Constructing a Frame-by-Frame Animation Step 1: Click on a blank part of the stage. From the Panel, locate Size and click Edit. Change the stage dimension for the attributes width and height Step 2: Select frame1 of layer1 in the timeline. Drag the bitmap image named J1to the stage Step3 : Use the selection Tool to select the instance of the bitmap on the stage. From the Panel, set the x and y positions to zero. Step 4: Select Frame 2 of layer 1 in the timeline. Drag the bitmap image named J2 to the stage. Set its x and y positions to zero.Follow this process 4 more times to place the remaining bitmap symbols J3, J4, J5, J6
Constructing a Frame-by-Frame Animation Fames containing Blank keyframe Step 5 : Locate the fps setting at the bottom of the timeline and change it to a slower speed of 12 Step 6 : To see your animation in action, choose Control > Test Movie. Or Press CTRL + Enter
Adding sound to an Animation In the following steps, we will add sound to Image animation. Flash provides a collection of sounds built info is sounds library. Step 1: the sound instance in this animation will be placed on a separate layer. Choose Insert > Timeline > Layer. A new layer named Layer 2 should appear in the Timeline. Step 2 : Sounds as with all instances, are placed on the Stage at a specific frame in the Timeline. Select frame 4 of Layer 2 in the Timeline and insert a blank keyframe.
Step 3: adobe Flash stores a collection of interesting sounds in its SOUNDS. FLA library. Choose Window > Common Libraries > Sound. Once the library is displayed, locate and select the sound named Sports Ball Basketball Caught With Hands 01.mp3 Adding sound to an Animation
Step 4: with frame 4 of layer2 selected on the timeline, drag the sound named Sports Ball Basketball Caught With Hands 01.mp3 into the stage. The appearance of a sound in the timeline
Adding sound to an Animation Step 5: Choose File > Save. Step 6: You have just created a simple frame by frame animation. Now test the animation Choose Control > Test Movie
Publishing a movie for distribution over the Internet At this point, you have tested the animated movie several times. Testing the movie generates an SWF file. Step 1: Choose File > Publish settings Step 2: Locate and check Flash (.SWF) and HTML (. HTML ) Step 3: Click Publish and then OK
Motion Tween Animation Tween: is a common term used among animators that describes the process of creating movement by automatically filling in the successive frames between a starting frame and an ending frame.
Motion Tween Animation 1- Creating an Object to be animated Step1: Choose Insert > New Symbol Step 2: Enter the name Step 3: Choose Movie Clip from the type then Click OK. Step 4: Select the Oval tool from the Toolbar Step 5: Click Fill color chip from the toolbar Step 6: Click Scene1 to close the ball drawing canvas.
Motion Tween Animation
2- Construction the Animation Using a Classic Motion Tween. Task1: Place the ball on the stage and set its starting position Step 1: Rename the timeline layer as Ball by double- clicking layer1 and retyping the name. Step 2: Choose the selection tool. Click frame 1 in layer1. Step 3: Drag an instance of the ball symbol from the library to the stage. Step 4: Position the ball in the left-corner of the stage. This is the ball’s starting position
Motion Tween Animation
2- Construction the Animation Using a Classic Motion Tween. Task2: Create an ending position Step 1: right-click frame 10 in layer1. Select Insert keyframe. Step 2: using the selection tool, position the ball so that it sits in the Upper-right corner of the stage.
Motion Tween Animation
2- Construction the Animation Using a Classic Motion Tween. Task3: Apply a Classic Tween Step1: Right-click any frame between the start frame and the end frame, such as frame 5 and select Create Classic Tween Step2: Test the movie. Choose Control > Test movie
Motion Tween Animation 3- Placing a hold on the animation using a Stop() action. Step1: Choose Insert > New layer Step2: Right-click frame 10 in layer2,Select Blank keyframe Step3: Choose Window > Action. A window labeled Actions-Frame will appear Step4: Enter the instruction Stop(); in the window. Step5 : Test the movie. Choose Control > Test movie
Motion Tween Animation