Karin Henning Bibliometric Services Gothenburg University Library Bibliometrics – an introduction to indicators and analyses Sahlgrenska Academy, Research Education,
Introduction to bibliometrics data used, citation theory Research evaluation indicators Allocation systems for university funding
What is bibliometrics? "Bibliometrics can be defined as the quantification of bibliographic information for use in analysis “ E. GARFIELD, M, V. MALIN, H. SMALL
Collaboration Sahlgrenska Academy, Countries, quotas per department
Metadata Authors, affiliation – collaboration analyses, internationalization Journal, publisher – publishing patterns Title, Abstract, Keywords – “science mapping”
Metadata Authors, affiliation – collaboration analyses, internationalization Journal, publisher – publishing patterns Title, Abstract, Keywords – “science mapping” References – citation analyses
Reasons for citing... 1.Paying homage to pioneers. 2.Giving credit for related work (homage to peers). 3.Identifying methodology, equipment, etc. 4.Providing background reading. 5.Correcting one's own work. 6.Correcting the work of others. 7.Criticizing previous work. 8.Substantiating claims. 9.Alerting to forthcoming work. 10.Providing leads to poorly disseminated, poorly indexed, or uncited work. 11.Identifying original publications in which an idea or concept was discussed. 12.Identifying original publications or other work describing an eponymic concept or term. 13.Disclaiming work or ideas of others (negative claims). 14.Disputing priority claims of others (negative homage). Eugene Garfield / F. Osareh Libri 1996, 46, 149 Impact Demand Quality?
Citation rate of different fields (source: VR)
Research evaluation indicators Productivity (number of publications, number of collaborators, …)
Whole counts vs. fractionalized Publications / FTE 2009
Quality judgements in the publishing process Before publishing – the peer review process After publishing – usage (citations, downloads etc)
Research evaluation indicators Productivity (number of publications, number of collaborators) Demand, impact, “quality” (number of publications in quality channels, number of citations) Excellence (compared to the field, ratio top5% cited publications)
Field normalized citation (”crown indicator”) CPP (cites per publication) _____________ FCS (Field Citation Score) world average for a specific field, year and article type ’
Field normalized citation (”crown indicator”) Endocrinology Letter 2003 C (number of citations) 10 _____________ ________ FCS (Field Citation Score) 10 world average for a specific field, year and article type C/FCS 1
Field normalized citation (”crown indicator”) Endocrinology Letter 2003 Oncology Review 2004 C(number of citations) _____________ ________ ________ FCS (Field Citation Score) world average for a specific field, year and article type C/FCS 1 0,5
Field normalized citation score, Source: Swedish production of highly cited scientific publications (VR, 2010)
Research evaluation indicators Productivity (number of publications, number of collaborators, …) Demand, Impact, Quality (number of citations, number of publications in quality channels, …) Excellence (compared to the field, ratio top5% cited publications) Collaboration (network properties estimated by co-authorships) Internationalization (number of publications in international journals, number of international collaborators) Interdisciplinarity (number of publications in channels in other fields or with co-authors from other fields)
Publications in the database Web of Science (WoS) are aggregated for each university Number of publications and number of citations to the publications are normalized and multiplied together to form the publication indicator Bibliometrics and allocation for research funding
Quota per university, bibliometric indicator (> 1 %)
Conclusion Compare ”like with like” Fractionalizing etc Knowledge about the organisation analysed Evaluating the past Conflict of interest Incentives? Research policy
Literature Carlsson, H. (2009). "Allocation of Research Funds Using Bibliometric Indicators – Asset and Challenge to Swedish Higher Education Sector." Infotrend 64(4): NordForsk (2010). ”Bibliometric Research Performance Indicators for the Nordic Countries” performance-indicators-for-the-nordic-countrieshttp:// performance-indicators-for-the-nordic-countries ”RED10 Research evaluation : reports from the evaluation of all research at the University of Gothenburg 2010” (2011). Vetenskapsrådet (2009). ”Den svenska produktionen av högt citerade vetenskapliga publikationer.”
Thanks for your attention! Karin Henning