Are You Ready for WIDA? Wake Forest University Student Teacher Seminar September 29, 2015
Aaaah you weddy foaahh WIDA???
Participants will… Learn to support their LEP students in their classrooms, according to their Proficiency Levels and their specific needs in acquiring English. Learn to support their LEP students in their classrooms, according to their Proficiency Levels and their specific needs in acquiring English.
Remember… It’s all about student growth!
Know your students!!!
Some are Born Here, Still not Proficient Some are Born Here, Left, Returned Some are Refugees, Others Not Mexico Honduras El Salvador Guatemala Burma Thailand Guatemala Burma Thailand India Yemen Korea China Russia PhilippinesChad VietnamSyria Where are they coming from?
100 Languages in WSFCS in 2014 Top 10 in 2014: SpanishArabicChineseKayah/KarenniVietnameseTagalog/FilipinoHindi/Indian/UrduKoreanFrenchRussian
State Standards for English Language Development
Did you know that… WIDA = English Language Development Standards, adopted by North Carolina? WIDA = English Language Development Standards, adopted by North Carolina? Anyone who works with Limited English Proficient (LEP) students is responsible for using the WIDA Standards to plan their lessons? Anyone who works with Limited English Proficient (LEP) students is responsible for using the WIDA Standards to plan their lessons?
What is WIDA? World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment Consortium World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment Consortium Comprised of 36 US State Education agencies and/or US territories. Comprised of 36 US State Education agencies and/or US territories. Created comprehensive English language development standards and assessments to determine English proficiency. Created comprehensive English language development standards and assessments to determine English proficiency.
Where Are YOU?
2007 WIDA Manual, p. RG-58
2007 WIDA Manual, p. RG-55
2007 WIDA Manual, p. RG-55
Understanding WIDA What is the Goal? What is the Goal? Student Success in the Common Core What is the Language Needed? What is the Language Needed? Writing the Language Objectives
2007 WIDA Manual, p. RG-14
2012 WIDA Manual, p. 8
2012 WIDA Manual, p. 9
2012 WIDA Manual, p. 40
2012 WIDA Manual, p. 41
2012 WIDA Manual, p. 42
2012 WIDA Manual, p. 43
2012 WIDA Manual, p. 44
Student Portraits, Resumes, etc. The more you know your students’ cultural backgrounds, home environments, and formative experiences, the more effective your standards-based instruction will be. The more you know your students’ cultural backgrounds, home environments, and formative experiences, the more effective your standards-based instruction will be. Make it a CAN DO/ASSET-Based portrait of the student! Make it a CAN DO/ASSET-Based portrait of the student! Ownership… What are we going to do about this? Ownership… What are we going to do about this? Has to be updated as things change! Has to be updated as things change!
Portraits/Resumes What do you want to know about the student? Help them to build the format. What do you want to know about the student? Help them to build the format. Students build their own, set goals and targets based on their ACCESS scores, monitor selves, share with parents, conduct self-directed conferences. Students build their own, set goals and targets based on their ACCESS scores, monitor selves, share with parents, conduct self-directed conferences.
A Levels Metaphor
Now You Try It! Discuss information on the Teacher Reports from the Spring ACCESS tests. Discuss information on the Teacher Reports from the Spring ACCESS tests. Place each student’s name accordingly on the Can Dos ELL Student Charts by their Proficiency Levels. Place each student’s name accordingly on the Can Dos ELL Student Charts by their Proficiency Levels. Discuss with a friend how the Can Dos will help the teacher differentiate for these students. Discuss with a friend how the Can Dos will help the teacher differentiate for these students.
What is Best for Our Students? What is Best for Our Students?
Next Steps?
Rebecca Ann Talton ESL Lead Teacher Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools , ext