2. Have you seen any of Zhang Yimou’s films? Do you like them? 3. What else has Zhang Yimou directed besides films? 1. Who is he? Zhang Yimou. House of.


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感谢您的关注 联系电话: – 677 手机: QQ :
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Presentation transcript:

2. Have you seen any of Zhang Yimou’s films? Do you like them? 3. What else has Zhang Yimou directed besides films? 1. Who is he? Zhang Yimou. House of Flying Daggers Curse of the Golden Flower

They are: ① the ‘Bid for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing’, which was shown in Moscow, a performance at the closing ceremony at Athens Olympic Games;

② an outdoor performance of Third Sister Liu in Guilin; ③ Turandot in Beijing The forbidden city

传说中的中国皇帝阿尔通有个女儿名叫图兰朵,既聪明美丽,但性 高傲,虽然芳名远播,但选婿甚苛。她订的残酷条件是:凡前来求 婚的王子,都必须回答她自编三个谜语,全答对者,可和她结婚, 否则,一律砍头示众幕启时,已有不少头颅示众于城门上。王子卡 夫由于战乱流落京城,听到消息,毅然去求婚。图兰朵照旧当众宣 了三个谜语卡拉夫全部答对。接下来应该允婚,但她认为卡拉夫当 夺去了的荣誉,伤害了自尊心,想再出三个谜语,遭到国王拒绝后 她拔出匕首准备自尽。卡拉夫见状,忙请求让他出一个谜语,如果 天公主答对了,他愿牺牲性命,如果答不出来,就和他结婚。这 谜语就是王子本人的家族及他父亲和他自己的姓名。图兰朵使用 计谋,从卡拉夫的女奴口中得悉了一切。第二天,她在朝廷上当众 出卡拉夫父子的姓名。卡拉夫如雷轰顶,毅然拔出匕首,图兰朵 下子从宝座上跳下来,扑进他的怀里,她说:她并不真正知道卡 夫父子的姓名,而是用巧计得来的,因此,还是卡拉夫胜利了。 两人幸福地结为夫妇。后来,在中国皇帝的帮助下,卡拉夫重返 王国,登上王位。

A review is a report or an essay giving some information as well as some opinions or ideas about a book, a performance, a painting or something similar Read a review of an opera What should we pay attention to while reading a review of an opera?(3 points) ① A review an of opera usually starts with some background information. ② The review can give some important information such as the actor’s names and finally an evaluation. ③ The review may include lots of very descriptive words that reflect feelings.

Read the review quickly and answer the three questions. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions. 1. What is ‘Turandot’? 2. Who wrote Turandot? 3. Was the performance indoors or outdoors?

1. What is ‘Turandot’? 2. Who wrote Turandot? 3. Was the performance indoors or outdoors? It was performed outdoors. Turandot is an opera that tells the story of a cold-hearted Chinese princess, named Turandot, who lives in the Forbidden City. To avoid marriage, she says that any potential husband must answer three riddles correctly or die. Giacomo Puccini wrote the opera. The final scene was completed by Franco Alfano, one of his students, based on Puccini’s notes after he died.

Read the review again for important information. Main characters of the story Turandot:___ ________ _________ Calaf:____ ______ ; Liu: _____ ______ ______ _______ Setting_______ _________ ___________ Plot The story takes on the classic love triangle of the three main characters Turandot, Calaf and Liu.Liu loves _____, but Calaf has _____ _____ _____with______. Because Turandot does not want to get married, she________ that anyone who wants to marry her must _______her ______ _________. If the one cannot answer these questions, he _____ ____ ___. Director___________________________ ConductorZubin Mehta, an ___________ _________ conductor born in____________ Actors and actresses Sharon Sweet—___; Barbara Hendricks—___; Kristjan Johannsson____;other____and_____from__ and _ 可参看 39 期 A1 版, 篇章结构理解

Main characters of the story Turandot--- _ ______ ________ Calaf---____ ______ ; Liu--- _______ ______ ______ _______ Setting_______ ________ ________ a Chinese princess a prince Calaf’s father’s young slave Beijing’s Forbidden City

Plot *The story takes on the classic love triangle of the three main characters Turandot, Calaf and Liu. *Liu loves _____, but Calaf has _____ _____ _____with_________. Because Turandot does not want to get married, she________that anyone who wants to marry her must_______her ______ _________. *If the one cannot answer these questions, he _____ ____ _______. Calaf in love Turandot fallen declares answer three questions will be killed

Director_______________ Conductor Zubin Mehta, an ______________ _________ conductor born in______ Actors and actresses Sharon Sweet---__________; Barbara Hendricks---________; Kristjan Johannsson---_________; other_______and__________ from ________ and _________ Zhang Yimou India internationally famous abroad China Turandot Liu Calaf singersmusicians

1. Listen to the tape and then do C2 and D on P2o.

C2:Put the events of the story in the correct order. Keys: C2: D: 1.e; 2. b; 3. d; 4. f ; 5. a; 6. h; 7. c; 8. g

2. Reading comprehension.

⑴ Why was Turando upset when Calaf was able to answer her questions? A.Because Turando found her questions were too easy. B. Because Turando was drunk with power, and she wanted to show her nobleness. C. Because Turando didn’t hope anyone answer her questions, and then she can avoid marriage. D. Because Calaf was poor, Turando didn’t want to marry him. C

(2) Which of the following sentences is ‘True’? A. Turando knew Calaf’s name as Liu told her. B. Turando’s love for Calaf was unconditional. C. Calaf said that if Turando could guess his name by sunset, she had to marry him. D. Calaf solved the riddles and won Turando’s affection at last. D

(3) What made the production so amazing? A. the moving plot of the story B. the splendid setting C. the very best of Western and Chinese talents in music, staging and directing. D. the group of people from many countries, the music and the setting D

(4) What can you learn from the passage? A.Western and Chinese talents’ performance contributes to the spread of Chinese culture. B. Turando is a cold-hearted princess, so she doesn’t like anyone including Calaf. C. Turando is drunk with power and she even dares to try and exercise control over her father. D. The opera was directed by the well-known Chinese director, Zhang Yimou. A

Phrases: 1. 在生命的最后时刻 2. 覆盖着红色和金色的装饰镶板 3. 过后不久 4. 第一次见她 第一次见她, 他就爱上她. 5. 某人对某人的表达爱意 6. 演绎了一段经典的三角恋情 towards the end of one’s life decorated panels covered with red and gold shortly afterwards see her for the first time The first time he saw her, he fell in love with her. express love for sb. take on a classic love triangle

7. 醉心于权术 8. 对 … 实施控制 9. 一一说出 … 的答案 10. 因 … 而不安 / 难过 11. 不顾一切的 … 12. 因 … 而震惊 13. 赢得某人的爱慕 14. 陷入沉默 15. 为最后的二重唱留下手记 be drunk with power exercise control over sb. recite the answers to be upset about be desperate to do/for be shocked by win one’s affection fall silent (fall silent/ ill) leave notes for the final duet

16. 在音乐, 演义和导演方面的人才 17. 被转变成一个美丽而令人心碎的故事的发 生地 18. 令人惊奇的演出的重要组成部分 19. 以流利的意大利语演唱 20. 盼望收到你的来信 talents in music, staging and directing be transformed into the location for a beautiful and heartbreaking love story the key components of the amazing production look forward to hearing from you. sing in fluent Italian

1.Read the text again and then finish Part E on P Finish Parts A1 and A2 on page108 of the Workbook.