Why this choice can benefit everybody involved, and those that aren’t as well.
Attacked by a familiar dog. Giant animal lover, now weary of other animals. Experience changed me.
Not bullying any breed Repeat offenders ONLY 100% pro animal life. Try rehabilitation and medication first.
There is a MAJOR difference between a dog aggressive in nature, and a dog attacking because of self defense. Aggressive by nature: attack is unprovoked Self defense: Animals itself feels threatened or feels owner is in danger.
It’s best for animal and owner. "He taught me that some animals are wired wrong and cannot be fixed, just like some people. Think of Ted Bundy.” –Dr. Oursler on family dog attacking her child. “Some dogs aren't wired correctly, and no amount of training or medication can fix broken wiring.” –Dr. Gaspar on being attacked by client.
NO DOG IS BORN AGGRESSIVE. Past trauma Negligent/ Abusive owners Anxiety ridden
Some owners will not be able to let go. “It’s every pet owners obligation and duty to ensure that they raise the type of dog that will protect when in danger, and love when not.” –Dr. Krue; veterinarian. If one refuses euthanasia, rehab and medication are options. May be out of owners hands due to law.
Utah supports the “One Bite” rule when it comes to dog bite victims. If taken to court, decision is in victims hands. state/utah-dog-bite-law.html
DeGioia, Phyllis. “Euthanizing Aggressive Dogs; Sometimes It’s the Best Choice.” Time 12 Aug. 2013: 2-3. Website. Stordahl, Lindsay. “When to Euthanize An Aggressive Dog.” Time 24, July Website. Gaspar, Kelly. “Being A Vet and a Victim.” Time 15, Oct Website Article.