chair MPSoC MPSoC Programming Solution “ CoreManager” hardware unit for: Dependency checking Task scheduling Local memory management of PEs C programmable No synchronization interrupts OS scheduling eased Operating System Process Thread t1t2 t3 t4t5 t6 t1t2 t3t4 t6 t5 CP CoreManager TU DresdenSlide 1Heterogeneous MPSoC with Hardware Supported Dynamic Task Scheduling for SDR Processor 0 Processor 1Processor 2 Processor 3
chair TU DresdenSlide 2Heterogeneous MPSoC with Hardware Supported Dynamic Task Scheduling for SDR Heterogeneous MPSoC: ‘Tomahawk’ Vector Fixed Point DSP Scalar Floating Point DSP Core Manager 10 mm Control Processor Scratchpad Memory 5.9 mm² ~280 mW 3.8 mm², ~85 mW 2.5 mm² ~30 mW 3.3 mm², ~27 mW nm UMC; 40 GOPS, MHz LDPC Decoder Filter ASIP Peripherals
chair TU DresdenSlide 3Heterogeneous MPSoC with Hardware Supported Dynamic Task Scheduling for SDR Software Scaling Results 0% or 50% probability of dependence between tasks, 4kB data transfers (in and out) Hardware task scheduling = power and performance efficient solution for MPSoC programming problem Scalability depends on: Task-to-Scheduling time ratio Inter-Task dependency Baseband signal processing: Task time ~10 2 – 10 4 cycles SW scheduling: ~1000 cycles/task HW accelerated scheduling: ~60 cycles/task Number of Cores SpeedUp