Status of the Photocathode R&D for ATF RFgun N.Terunuma (KEK)
Why we use Cs 2 Te photocathode? Pure metal cathode. Q.E ~ Cs 2 Te Q.E. ~ 10 -1, a few % Others Need more study. We prepared the Cs 2 Te formation system and the Cathode loadlock system for ATF. For ATF, Shorter preparation time for the beam operation. --> Preparation system connected to the RFGUN.
RFGU N Cavity Cathode loading mover RFGUN Laser Cathode Load-lock System Cleaning & Pickup Storage Cathode formation Xe light
Quantum Efficiency Q.E.= Number of electrons / Number of photons Offline measurement Xe lamp with monocrometer~266nm. Measure the current on cathode. Online measurement RFGUN operation, Laser~266nm. Extracted beam intensity detected by faraday cup.
Cathode and Cs-Te sources Te Cs Evaporation System Cathode Plug (Cu) 15mm
Half cell endplate with Cu plug
Argon ion bombardment When New cathode is installed. Clean the used cathode. Sputter depth ~ 50nm. Step 1: Cleaning Ion Source Cleaning chamber Formation: Step 1, Cleaning
Te is heated by a Tungsten filament. We can control the Te thickness. Step 2: Evaporation of Te Formation: Step 2, Te evaporation
Cs is evaporated on the Te film and its thickness is controlled by monitoring the Q.E. with Xe system. Step 3: Evaporation of Cs Formation: Step 3, Cs evaporation Cathode holder with Mask 8mm
R&D For the ATF operation… Prepare the new cathode on Monday. Beam Test: a week or more. Check Q.E. by calibrated lights (Xe,266nm) every a few days. For the basic study… in shutdown weeks. This year, we had two months beam operation. Two Cu plugs Two Mo plugs
QE of Cu#1 Cathode ATF 1.3x10 -6 Pa at RFGUN Q.E. 0.4% Yellow area: RF on
Cu cathode after the Beam Test Two cathode plugs were used for a month operation. Cu#1 cathode (left) Used for the cavity aging. Many RF breakdowns. Cu#2 cathode (right) Used stable laser operation.
Mo Cathode Two plugs ware used for a month operation. Their surface were polished as a mirror. Small damage was found after the beam operation.
Q.E. of Cs 2 Te on Mo plugs Q.E. before RF power is supplied reaches > 15%. Q.E. dropped quickly when RF power was supplied. It shows stable Q.E. after RF power supplied. Cs2Te on Molybdenum plugs shows higher Q.E. ~3% than that on Copper plugs ~0.4%.
Dark vs. Dark Current Power (MW)
Summary We had two months beam operation. Cs 2 Te on Cu plugs Q.E. ~0.4%. Damages on the Cu surface. Cs 2 Te on Mo plugs Q.E. ~3%. Stable. Small damages compared to Cu case were observed. Next Establish the formation method and its reproducibility. Check Q.E. under longer beam operations.