Geographic Skills : The Map Scale
What is a map scale Map scale is a measurement on the map representing the actual distance at the location identified on the map. We link the map to the real world using three different types of scale.
1-A Verbal scale uses a sentence to describe the relationship between a map distance and a ground distance. “One centimetre represents 16 kilometres” In this example the one centimetre is on the map, and that one centimetre represents 16 kilometres on the ground.
2-A Linear scale is a ruler which shows directly on the map the ground distance. In this type of scale the ruler is divided into 1 cm sections with each section representing 1 kilometre on the ground.
3-Representative Fraction (Ratio scale). A RF scale shows the relationship between any unit on the map and same unit on the ground. RFs may be written as a fraction or as a ratio; “1/100,000” or “1 : 100,000”