Social Media Has allowed us to “connect” in wonderful ways unimaginable just a decade ago. A platform to share our interests, beliefs, activities and voice our opinions.
Yet… Disconnected The irony of social networking is that the more we spend on social networking sites the more disconnected we become in our real relationships and communication.* *Social Science Network Research
One Side Effect: Lack of Self- Control A sense of entitlement coupled with a lack of self-control and the results vary from questionable posts to a blatant ungodly online presence.
How Are Christians to Respond To Other Christians who act out-of-line while online?
Care for Him (Gen. 4:9) Unlike Cain (who had hatred for his brother) your love for your brother demands that you are there for him… even when he sins. If Jesus taught us to love our enemies (Matt. 5:44; Lk. 10:27ff), how much more our brother in Christ?
Speak to Him Privately (Matt. 18:15) Just because their post is seen in public doesn’t mean you humiliate them in public. Start in private and go from there.
Treat Him as a Brother (Gal. 6:1) Treat him gently. Remember, Jesus died for your brother: don’t destroy him. Cp. Jas. 5:19-20
“If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.” (Matthew 18:15)