Unit 05 Tissues
Latin WordPrefix, Root, SuffixDefinition Epi-PrefixAbove TheliRootNipple; Teat -umSuffixStructure; tissue; thing MatrixRootWomb InterPrefixbetween SquamousRootScale Pseudo-PrefixFalse Endo-PrefixInner Exo-PrefixOuter Mero-PrefixPartially Apo-PrefixAway from Holo-RootWhole; Entire CrineRootSecrete LumenRootLight (cavity or channel) -blastSuffixGerm; sprout LacunaeRootUnfilled gap or space Write
5.1 Introduction Write
Objective I can identify the components that make up a tissue. Write
Tissues Cells Matrix (Intercellular Matrix) Listen
Matrix (Intercellular Substance) Tissues Tissues are composed of: Cells Groups/layers of cells with similar structure working together to carry out a certain function. Matrix Fluid and other substances surrounding the cells Cells Tissue Write
Objective I can list the four major categories of human body tissues and how they are classified. Write
All Body Tissues Muscle 3 Nervous 1 Epithelium 9 Connective 6 4 Types of Tissue Write
Tissue Classification Body tissues are classified by their cellular structure and function. Write
5.2 Epithelial Tissues Write
Objective I can identify and define the general characteristics and functions of epithelial tissue. Write
Basement Membrane Connective Tissue Free Surface
Epithelial Tissue General Characteristics Structure Free surface and basement membrane No blood vessels Cells are tightly packed (very little matrix) Divide quickly Function Protective coverings Secretion Absorption Sensory Reception Write
Objective I can identify and classify the 9 types of epithelial tissue. Write
Epithelial Tissue Classification Epithelial tissue is classified by: Cell type # of layers Write
Epithelial Cell Types Cuboidal Squamous Columnar Simple = 1 layerStratified = More than 1 layer Write and Draw
Number of Layers Cell Type Transitional Glandular Specialized
Stratified Squamous
Simple Columnar
Stratified Columnar
Simple Squamous Epithelium Composed of: Squamous Cells 1 Layer Characteristics: Diffusion/Filtration Easily Damaged Quickly Reproduce Locations Alveoli (Lungs) Capillaries Blood/Lymph Vessels Parietal Membranes Basement Membrane Connective Tissue
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Composed of: Cuboidal Cells 1 Layer Characteristics: Nucleus in center Secretion/absorption Surrounds a lumen Locations Ovaries Kidneys Ducts of glands Lumen
Simple Columnar Epithelium Composed of: Columnar Cells 1 Layer Characteristics: Nuclei at same level Elongation = protection Secretion/Absorption Microvilli/Cillia Goblet Cells = mucous Locations Trachea Uterus Digestive Tract Basement Membrane Connective Tissue Goblet Cell
Psuedostratified Columnar Epithelium Composed of: Columnar Cells 1 Layer Characteristics: Nuclei at different levels Elongation = protection Secretion/Absorption Microvilli/Cillia Goblet Cells = mucous Locations Respiratory tract Basement Membrane Connective Tissue Goblet Cell
Stratified Squamous Epithelium Composed of: Squamous Cells Multiple Layers Characteristics: Thick Provides Protection Locations Epidermis of Skin Basement Membrane Connective Tissue
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium Composed of: Cuboidal Cells 2-3 Layers Characteristics: Lines a lumen Protection of glands Locations Mammary glands Sweat glands Salivary glands Lumen
Stratified Columnar Epithelium Composed of: Columnar Cells Multiple Layers Characteristics: Bottom layer more cuboid Locations Urethra Vas Deferens Pharynx Basement Membrane Connective Tissue
Transitional Composed of: Cuboidal Multiple layers Characteristics: Stretchy Locations Bladder Urinary Tract
Glandular Composed of: Specialized cells Characteristics: Found within cuboidal/columnar epithelium tissue Locations Glands
Objective Students will be able to describe the structure and function of a gland. Write
Glands Gland Structure: Composed of one or more specialized cells. Function: To secrete substances
Objective Students will be able to differentiate between endocrine and exocrine glands Write
Endocrine and Exocrine glands Endocrine Secrete inside Examples: Lots Endocrine system Exocrine Secrete outside Examples Sweat glands Mammary glands
Objective Students will be able to differentiate between the three types of specialized glandular cells and how they work. Write
Merocrine “partial secretion” Release watery fluid via exocytosis Apocrine “away from secretion” Top part is lost in secretion Holocrine “whole secretion” Entire cell is lost in secretion
5.3 Connective Tissue Write
Objective Students will understand the general characteristics of connective tissue. Write
Connective Tissue General Characteristics Structure Cells are farther apart More Matrix Can divide Blood Vessels/Blood Supply Function Bind Structures Provide Support/Protection Fill spaces Store fat Produce Blood Fight infections Repair tissue damage Write
Objective Students will be able to identify the components of connective tissue Write
Epithelial Tissue Classification Connective Tissue are classified by Cell type Fiber composition in the matrix Write
Connective Tissue Cell Types Write and Draw Fibroblasts Star shaped Produce fibers into the matrix Macrophages Defensive cells that eat invaders via phagocytosis Mast Cells Release heparin which prevents blood clotting Release histamine which causes inflammation
Connective Tissue Fibers Write CollagenousElasticReticular Thick Fibers composed of collagen protein Thin fibers composed of elastin protein Thin fibers composed of collagen Long parallel bundlesBranchesHighly branched Flexible; only slightly elastic Stretch easily and resumes shape Create delicate supports Resists pulling forces Example: Ligament and tendons Example: Vocal cordsExample: Lymph tissue
Connective Tissue Fibers Write and Draw Collagenous Fibers Thick fibers composed of collagen protein Long parallel bundles Flexible; only slightly elastic Resist pulling forces Example: Ligaments and Tendons Elastic Fibers Thin fibers composed of elastin protein Form branches Stretch easily and resume original shape Example: vocal cords Reticular Fibers Thin fibers composed of collagen Highly branched Create delicate supports
Objective 10 Students will able to categorize the 6 connective tissues as either Connective Tissue Proper or specialized Connective Tissue Write
Two Types of Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Proper Loose Connective Tissue Adipose Tissue Dense Connective Tissue Specialized Connective Tissue Cartilage Bones Blood
Objective 11 Students will able to identify the 6 connective tissue types based on their composition and looks. Write
Loose Connective Tissue Composed of: Spread out fibroblast cells Many collagenous and elastic fibers spread out Characteristics: Forms delicate thin membranes Bind skin to organs Fills space b/w muscles Locations All over body
Loose Connective Tissue Composed of: Very few fibroblasts Collagen and elastic fibers densely packed Characteristics: Binds body parts together Poor blood supply = slow regeneration Resistant to force Locations Tendons (bone to muscle) ligaments (bone to bone)
Adipose Tissue Composed of: Adipocytes Characteristics: Cushions joints Stores fat for energy Locations Under the skin Abdominal cavity Around kidneys
Cartilage Composed of: Chondrocytes Collagen Fibers Lacunae Characteristics: Rigid Support Protection Attachment Locations Ribs Ear Nose Joints
Bone Composed of: Mineral Salts (calcium) Osteocytes Collagen Fibers Characteristics: Most Rigid Internal Support Protection Muscle Attachment Central Canal Osteons (concentric circles) Locations Skeleton
Blood Composed of: RBC WBC Platelets Plasma Characteristics: Transports Immune System Locations Arteries and Veins
Objective 11 Students will be able to Write
Objective 11 Students will understand the general characteristics of muscle tissue. Write