Job Analysis 2. Analyze Company Skill Needs Confirm Certification Match & Required LEVELS Develop Pilot Plan (Beta) Institutionalize (Deploy) Certification Improve and Sustain
PURPOSE : Our goal is to discuss and document the job qualifications for the position and to ensure that the job description accurately defines the work and the kind of candidate we are seeking. AGENDA : Welcome, Introductions, Review Agenda Review of Skills Certification System Rationale Type of Assessments Analyze and Update Job Description Discuss Possible Certifications National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Other Skill Certification(s) Case Studies: Matching Jobs to Certifications Review and Wrap-up (Next Steps) PURPOSE & AGENDA
Insert highlights from last session here REVIEW
You may wish to insert here a small number of slides from the PowerPoint: Building the Manufacturing Talent Pipeline. SKILLS CERTIFICATION SYSTEM
Key Questions: Does the job title accurately describe the position? Is there anything critical to the job not mentioned on the job description? Do the specific skills required still accurately reflect the needs of the position? ANALYZE AND UPDATE JOB DESCRIPTION
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Other Skill Certifications Does anyone currently hold a technical certification? Are you aware of any certifications that may be a fit? Chart of Possible Certifications POSSIBLE CERTIFICATIONS
Next time we meet, this is the work we’ll be doing together MATCHING JOBS TO CERTIFICATIONS (CASE STUDIES)
Next steps Contact Information TO DO’s Next Meeting REVIEW AND WRAP-UP (NEXT STEPS)