Industrialization and Urbanization in Canada in the late 1800s
Industrialization Industrialization = industry = factories 2 phases of industrialization in Canada: – Phase 1 – Phase 2 : – The National Policy helps Canadian factories do well protects them against U.S. competition
Industrialization Artisans make things one at a time Before the mid 1800s Factories makes lots of things very fast MASS PRODUCTION After the mid 1800s
Industrialization Industries / factories started using STEAM ENGINES Steam engines made machines work FAST LOTS of products can be made in one day Steam engines needed lots of coal to power them
Artisans no machines Before the first stage of industrialization
From Artisans to Industrialization
Industrialization How did industrialization happen? Ingredients: 1.Cheap labour (workers) immigrants / french Canadians were people who worked for little money 2.Capital($$$) money to invest in companies 3.Raw materials (wood, leather, etc.) 4.Transportation Railways / boats 5.Energy Coal / steam engines 6.A place to sell the products
Industrialization Who profited from industrialization? In Québec: Montréal big city with a large population « cheap labour » Railways that connect with the rest of Canada, A port to ship products by boat Rich people that can invest money in industries (usually English people) The province of Ontario (Toronto) also benefits a lot
Montreal access to ports and railways
Factories Using machines powered by steam engines
Stitching collars on mens’ shirts (Montreal)
Large factory in Montreal
Machines powered by steam engines
Investing money: Montreal Stock Exchange & Banks
Industrialization Recap Technology used in factories = STEAM ENGINES worked using coal Investments = Rich English men Transportation = Railway and boats Locations for factories = BIG CITIES LIKE MONTREAL What kinds of factories? Leather, clothing, textiles, furniture, metalworks, steel Sell to who? Canadians all over Canada Workers = IMMIGRANTS & FRENCH CANADIANS = “CHEAP LABOUR”
YearPeople working in industry Total population of Quebec Percentage of workers in industry ,600890,0001.8% ,3001,112,0002.3% ,0001,192,0003.3% ,7001,359,0004.0% ,6001,489,0004.9% ,0001,649,0007.8%
Urbanization Urbanization = Urban = Cities = People moving to cities Cities getting bigger Industrialization = more jobs in cities = more workers needed No work in rural areas (farms) people move to cities to work in factories Industrialization made people move to cities faster
Urbanization Living in cities difficult life for most people in late 1800s Living conditions in cities were bad (1870s- 1901) Poor hygienic conditions City services are not great garbage collection, sewer system, outdoor toilets.