Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto Daily Du`ás for Rama_án – (30) ãÈå×ãcáäoÂB ãÌÇåcáäoÂB ãÐäÃÂB ãÈåtãQ In the name of Alláh the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto Daily Du`ás for Rama_án – (30) ãÁåÒâRâ»åÂB áÑ ãoå¿âäxÂCãQ ãÐå×㶠ØãÆCá×ã{ åÄá¯å_B áäÈâÏäÃÂáB O Alláh, on this day, make my fasts worthy of appreciation and acceptance,
Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto Daily Du`ás for Rama_án – (30) âÁåÒâsáäoÂB âÍCá¢åoáÖ áÑ âÍCá¢åoáW CáÆ ÔÃá® according to what pleases You, and pleases the Messenger,
Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto Daily Du`ás for Rama_án – (30) ãÁåÒâ{âÜãQ âÐâ®åÑâoⶠæUáÇá¿ådâÆ the branches being strengthened by the roots,
Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto Daily Du`ás for Rama_án – (30) áÌåÖãoãÎCáä§ÂB ãÐãÂB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ CáÊãkãä×ás ãä¼ádãQ for the sake of our leader, Mu<ammad, and his purified family.
Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto Daily Du`ás for Rama_án – (30) áÌå×ãÇáÂCá¯åÂB ãäPán ãÐäÃã âkåÇádåÂBáÑ Praise be to Alláh, the Lord of the worlds.
Prepared by Tablígh Sub- Committee of ISIJ of Toronto Daily Du`ás for Rama_án – (30) èkáäÇádâÆ ãÁB áäÑ èkáäÇádâÆ ÔÃá® ãäÄá{ áäÈâÏäÃÂáB O Alláh bless Mu<ammad and the family of Mu<ammad.