VANS GYPLAST Wall Block Plaster
VANS Gyplast can be applied directly in all of above hard surfaces Types of hard surface Brick Wall Cement Block wall Concrete Wall VANS Gyplast can be applied directly in all of above hard surfaces
Types Of Block Plaster Cement Based Plaster Made of white cement and dolomite with various additives. Such plasters are heavy by weight and can not meet the requirement of thick application. Also needs putty application of 1 to 2 mm before applying paint. Gypsum Based Plaster Made of gypsum and lighter in weight. It gives ready surface for painting but some time it still needs some amount of smoothening plaster for hiding purpose. It all depends upon the skill of plasterer.
Vans Gyplast™ Vans Gyplast is a pure gypsum based plaster suitable for most internal wall & partition surfaces including brick, block and concrete. It consists essentially of pure gypsum hemihydrate formulated with special additives to control working and setting characteristic. It contains pure gypsum in natural form also eliminated from all impurities. It gives plaster an unmatched workability because of its smoothness, coverage and ease of application. It dries to provide super white, smooth and fine finish for painting.
OUR USPs Humidity resistant Lightweight Crack free Vans Gyplast is the only gypsum plaster which is very natural in its form and gives a ultra white and bright finish. It’s smoothness gives great coverage, workability and high productivity to the plasterer. Hence great wall finish with reduced time and cost to the customer. This is how we add value to our customer’s business. Humidity resistant Crack free No powdering Fungus Free Fire resistant Lightweight Excellent strength on drying Thermal resistance Good coverage Affordable
Other Features Can be directly applied, single coat application. Free from shrinkage and crack and powdering High coverage up to 92 m2/t Ultra white and smooth finish Enhanced light reflection, imparts true colour tone and gloss for paint. Compatible with any type of paint. Highly moisture resistant Hygienic -Does not allow bacteria or fungus getting formed on it. Available in 25 Kg Thickness can go up to 32 mm. 6 months Shelf life.
n.d. = Less than distinguish limit Technical Details Physical Property Parameters Dry Bulk Density Wet Bulk Density Initial Setting Time Final Setting Time Compressive Strengths (24 Hours) Compressive Strengths (48 Hours Approx. Coverage* Units 667-695 Kg/m3 1.32 – 1.46 gm/cm3 14-18 Minutes 24-26 Minutes 43.80 kgf/cm2 44.12 kgf/cm2 87-92 m2/t Chemical Property Parameters Silicon dioxide (SIO2) Aluminum Oxide ( AI203) Iron(III) oxide (Fe203) Calcium Oxide (CaO) Diphosporus Pentoxide (P205) Manganese oxide (Mn0) Sulfur Trioxide (So3) Sodium oxide (Na2O) Potassium oxide (K2O) Loss On Ignition (L.O.I) Units 0.07% n.d. 38.80% 54.60% 0.01% 5.72% n.d. = Less than distinguish limit
Recommended Application Methodology Step 1: The wall surface (Substrate) to be plastered should be thoroughly clean with a brush to be free from all dust and loose particles. If any traces of mould oil must be washed with detergent water.
Recommended Application Methodology Step 2: It is recommended to pre wet the substrate before application so as to get the substrate fully hydrated to achieve strong adhesion, more spread and better coverage.
Recommended Application Methodology Step 3: Measure the surface undulation with plumb thread and fix level mosaic (Tiki) in order to estimate amount of plaster required and spread plaster on the wall to achieve absolutely plain surface with zero undulation.
Recommended Application Methodology Step 4: Mix Vans Gyplast to water (Not vise versa), using mixing rod to mix paste thoroughly to get desired consistency. Step 5 : Water to plaster ratio should be maintained to have good cohesive workable mix (1 Part of water : 1 part of plaster by volume). However this ratio can be adjusted by the applicator depending upon site climatic condition.
Recommended Application Methodology Step 6: Prepare plaster mix as much as required depending upon immediate scope of work. # Precaution once the mix has begun to set, additional dry material should not be added, as performance parameters of plaster will get altered, thus affecting applicability, consistency, adhesion & strength.
Recommended Application Methodology Step 7: Apply mixed plaster on the substrate with a hand trowel and level it with aluminium bottom scale. Avoid using a wet brush on the finished surface, as that would leave permanent brush marks and spoil the surface.
Recommended Application Methodology Step 8: single coat should not exceed 12mm in thickness. If at all thickness required more than 12 mm, plaster should be applied in multiple coats.
Recommended Application Methodology Step 9: After the complete drying (which usually takes 72 hrs dependingon the thickness and whether conditions) levelled Vans Gyplast surface is ready for painting.
Safety Instruction Vans Gyplast is absolutely free from any lime and toxic elements. In case it comes in contact with eye or live wound, needs to be cleaned with fresh normal water. Consult your doctor if irritation continues
Product Comparison Chart Products Comparision Direct application Line & level Smooth finish Time saving Quality assurance Water curing Shrinkage cracks Sand cement Plaster √ – POP Does not require Gypsum Plaster Do not appear
Benefits to Builders Green material Quality offering to his customer - Shrinkage crack free surfaces - smooth finish High productivity – faster work (Reducing plastering time by 70% when compared to conventional Sand cement plaster + POP method) so time saving and cost No water curing required. Performance – Durability, light weight (Reduces dead load on structure) Cleaner sites - direct application bagged product
Benefits to Applicator Easy to apply with smooth and consistent paste – Increased efficiency and saves time. Enhanced coverage – better per day productivity. Smooth and super white finish – customer appreciation & work satisfaction 100% natural product without any lime content – safe, non hazardous to skin and health. Also available in Quick setting formulation – efficient workability in cold and moist climatic condition.
Benefits to End User No shrinkage cracks on walls and ceilings Reduction in the time required for plastering and this helps in timely possession of homes Perfectly lined, leveled, smooth walls Saving on electricity used for air conditioning as gypsum has very low thermal conductivity
Packaging VANS Gyplast is available in 25KG Bag
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