Students take to using different forms of media to express understanding as a duck takes to water Old School Thinking The Electronic Playground is where our students learn in and out of school
Keep This in Mind When Creating Student Media Packets
Resources Wikimedia Commons kitzo, media packs on demand freeplay music The Learning Page for teachers from the Lib of Congress Print and picture catalog for downloading Dv Digital on demand (paid online service) Free, copyright-friendly photos for education
Content of a Media Packet Subject Statement: Word document that describes what the students will be learning. This could include goals, objectives, and curriculum standards. Assignment: What exactly will students be doing with the materials in the packet. This needs to be well defined with a rubric to assist understanding. Materials or Assets: This could consist of a word document with web links, images, sound and video clips pertaining to the subject, and information documents about the subject.
Sample of a Vocabulary Media Packet The Story of the Water Cycle Asset folder of pictures & video clips Assignment : Use the assets in the Asset Folder to demonstrate the meaning of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in a PowerPoint. Record the meanings using the record sound function. Information: A word document with links to websites about the water cycle and information about the meanings of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Rubric outlines the assignment outcomes and expectations Content Technical Application 3 Definitions are presented in more than one strategy. Flow and function is smooth and consistently correct throughout. 2 Definitions are complete and presented in a single strategy Most of the functions work correctly with few problems 1 Definitions are incorrect or missing Few functions are used and problems occur in the flow of the program