Signup Process Buy or Sell Stocks Look it up by name Click [list] to search Wikinvest Wikipedia = general company information Wikinvest = History, Charts, and News Enter a Stock Symbol Each company has its own Symbol i.e. Coca Cola = KO Apple Computers = AAPL WAL-MART = WMT Choose Buy or Sell Must own it to sell it C C Enter # of shares See Cash Submit Trade Click ✔ Helping hands to guide you to 1 4 WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in Find it by brand Click [list] to view brands Company Name or Stock Symbol Enter Name or Symbol Click Wiki or Wikinvest to research Wiki Your Cash: Popular Brands: Wiki Stock Research Company or Stock symbol Find a Stock Symbol Cash Required to Buy
2 Choose Buy or Sell Must own it to sell it UIPadder Enter Name or Symbol Click Wiki or Wikinvest to research Find it by brand Click [Lookup] to view brands CompanySymbolHint.pngPopularBrandHint.png CompanyNameHint.png StockGuideHint.png 3 Enter # of shares See Cash 4 Submit Trade Click ✔ Cash Required to Buy BuySellHint.png NoofSharesHint.png SubmitTradeHint.png CashHint.png StockGuideHint.png CashStockHint.png Price of Stock Per share PriceHint.png Note: Confirmation # ConfirmHint.png Next Trade Click ✔ NextTradeHint.png Look it up by name Click [Lookup] to search Enter Name or Symbol Click Wiki or Wikinvest for research, charts, history Enter a Stock Symbol Each company has its own Symbol i.e. Coca Cola = KO Apple Computers = AAPL WAL-MART = WMT 1 Cash in your account Plus current stock WikiHint.png
StepCHeader.png White fields to be filled in by user to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you B B C C D D A A Buy and Sell Stock
StepCHeader.png White fields to be filled in by user to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you B B C C D D A A Buy and Sell Stock B B C C D D A A Overview YAELA StepDHeader.png StepAHeader.png StepBHeader.png HEADERS White fields to be filled in by user to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you B B C C D D A A My Teams B B C C D D A A My Account
Signup Process An Introduction to PlayMyMillions A A B B C C D D The Basics PlayMyMillions Overview My Teams Create and Manage Teams Buy Stocks Buying and Selling My Account What I’ve Got The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions
Signup Process B B C C D D The Basics Objects and Rules My Teams Create and Manage Teams Buy Stocks Buying and Selling My Account What I’ve Got The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions A A
The Basics Object and Rules A My Teams Create and Manage B B My Account What I’ve Got D D My Teams Create and Manage B Buy Stocks Buying and Selling C My Account What I’ve Got D My Teams Create and Manage B Buy Stocks Buying and Selling C My Account What I’ve Got D StepA.png StepAHovering.png StepAClick.png The Basics Object and Rules A Buy Stocks Buying and Selling C C The Basics Object and Rules A A ABC.png The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions – Getting Started If you are just starting then complete the ABC’s and follow the prompts…
StepAOverview.png StepAHeader.png White fields to be filled in by user to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you B B C C D D A A Overview Objective PlayMyMillions is a stock market game, so StockUp and have fun! The aim of the game is to grow your $1,000,000 by buying and selling stocks and earn the strongest possible score. The players and teams with the top scores are eligible for special recognition and cash prizes. Timeline The game runs continually. Member accounts are active for a consecutive nine month period from the date of sign up. Annual subscribers have uninterrupted year round accounts. All prizes are announced and distributed semi- annually on the 31st of December and the 30th of June. Hint: Each player can reset their account balance to $1,000,000 up to three times during their membership. Scores Players are assigned a PlayMyMillions Score. Similar to golf, the lower the score the stronger the player. The scale is 35 (poor) to 0 (excellent). Each player begins by “Playing Off’ 28 and is working to “Play Off” 0 and become a ‘scratch’ player. Scores are calculated throughout the day using a patent pending PlayMyMillions algorithm which gauges players’ decisions, commitment, improvement and performance. Hint: A few things that help you strength your score, logging in and monitoring your positions frequently, having numerous teammates and investing in different kinds of companies based in different locations. Prizes Leagues and Teams: Players can create and join multiple teams, which increases their chance of winning prize money. Each week, month and quarter, teams with the strongest joint score, are eligible for prize money. Winners are announced monthly and prizes are distributed as above. Grand Prize: At the end of each six month cycle the individual player with the strongest score, over a consecutive three month period, is eligible for the grand prize of up to 1,000,000 USD. Prizes vary depending on the number of participants and are calculated at the end of each semi-annual distribution cycle. Special recognition and certificates will be issued to players who have maintained a score of less than 10 for a period of six months. Gaining Advanced Functionality As active members of PlayMyMillions improve, they will gain access to additional features and functionality throughout the game. Such features include short selling, buying on margin, and trading on international exchanges. Next Steps B.Create your teams and invite your friends C.Choose a stock and make a trade D.Check your account and see how you’re doing Example: Buy Low/Sell High Buy - On 6th July 2010 you buy 100 shares of The Coca-Cola Company (stock symbol: KO) for $51 per share, costing you a total of $5,100 Sell - On 9th August 2010 you sell those 100 shares of The Coca-Cola Company for $57 each, totaling $5,700 and make a profit of $600
An Introduction to PlayMyMillions The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions An Overview Objective PlayMyMillions is a game, so StockUp and have fun! The aim of the game is to trade, progress your skills, and earn the strongest score. The top teams and players are eligible for cash prizes. Timeline The game runs continually. Member accounts are active for a consecutive nine month period from the date of sign up. Annual subscribers have uninterrupted year round accounts. All prizes are announced and distributed in 31 st December and 30 th June. Scores Players are assigned a PlayMyMillions Score. Similar to golf, the lower the score the stronger the player. The scale is 35 (poor) to 0 (excellent). Each player begins by “Playing Off’ 28 and is working to “Play Off” 0, being a ‘scratch’ player. Scores are calculated throughout the day using a patent pending PlayMyMillions algorithm which gauges players’ decisions, commitment, improvement and performance. Hint: A few things that help you strength your score, logging in and monitoring your positions frequently, having numerous teammates and investing in different kinds of companies based in different locations. Prizes Leagues & Teams: Players can create and join multiple teams, which increases their chance of winning prize money. Each week, month and quarter, teams with the strongest joint score, are eligible for prize money. Winners are announced monthly and prizes are distributed as above. Grand Prize: At the end of each nine month cycle the individual player with the strongest score in an individual quarter is eligible for the grand prize of up to 1,000,000 USD. Prizes vary depending on the number of participants and are calculated at the end of each semi-annual distribution cycle. Certificates will be issued to players that achieve 2 quarters of Play Off scores of less than 10. Gaining Advanced Functionality As active members of PlayMyMillions improve, they will gain access to additional features and functionality throughout the game. Such features include short selling, buying on margin, and trading on international exchanges. Next Steps? B.Create your teams and invite your friends C.Choose a stock and make a trade D.Check your account and see how you’re doing Important: Each player can reset their account up to three times during their membership. B B C C D D A A
The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions An Overview B B C C D D A A StepAHeader
Signup Process Create and Manage your PlayMyMillions Teams C C D D The Basics PlayMyMillions Overview My Teams Create and Manage Teams Buy Stocks Buying and Selling My Account What I’ve Got A A B B The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions
Signup Process Refresh to view your new team Submit Trade Click ✔ 4 Helping hands to guide you to WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in My Teams Create a Team B B Team Type: Select a Team Type Choose a Team Name Click ✔ to Create Team Check Status to confirm 3 4 Invite Teammates!
Refresh to view your new team Submit Trade Click ✔ 4 Choose a Team Name Select a Team Type 1 2 Click ✔ to Create Team Check Status to confirm 3 4 Invite Teammates! B B C C D D A A My Teams WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you 4 Invite Teammates!
StepBHeader.png B B C C D D A A My Teams WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you Click ✔ to Create Team Check Status to confirm 3 MyTeamHint1.png MyTeamNameHint2.png MyTeamCreateHint3.png MyTeamInvitesHint4.png Refresh to view your new team MyRefreshHint.png Select a Team Type 1 Choose a Team Name 2 4 Invite Teammates!
Helping hands to guide you to WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in Enter Addresses Invite multiple teammates Click ✔ to Send Invites Click Reset to send more Choose a Team Click [list] to select 3 Or Enter User Names Invite known users 4 B B C C D D A A My Teams WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you
StepBHeader.png B B C C D D A A My Teams WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you Enter Addresses Invite multiple teammates 2 InviteHint1.png InviteHint2.png InviteHint3.png InviteHint4.png Click ✔ to Send Invites Click Reset to send more 4 3 Or Enter User Names Invite known users 1 Choose a Team Click [Lookup] to select Or Enter User Names Invite known users 3
Enter Name or Symbol Click Wiki or Wikinvest to research CompanySymbolHint.png
Helping hands to guide you to WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in My Teams Invite Teammates B B Enter Addresses Invite multiple teammates Click ✔ to Send Invites Click Reset to send more 3 Choose a Team Click [list] to select Or Enter User Names Invite known users 4
Helping hands to guide you to WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in My Teams Change a Team B B Click ✔ to Recall Invites Click Refresh to recall or view more Choose an Invitation Click [list] to select NOT NEEDED
Helping hands to guide you to WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in My Teams Invite Teammates B B Choose a New Name Optional Click ✔ to Update Choose a Team Click [list] to select 4 3 Change League Type Optional NOT NEEDED
Signup Process Buying and Selling Stocks C C D D The Basics PlayMyMillions Overview My Teams Create and Manage Teams Buy Stocks Buying and Selling My Account What I’ve Got A A B B The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions
Signup Process Make a Trade Buy or Sell Stocks Look it up by name Click [list] to search Wikinvest Wikipedia = general company information Wikinvest = History, Charts, and News Enter a Stock Symbol Each company has its own Symbol i.e. Coca Cola = KO Apple Computers = AAPL WAL-MART = WMT Choose Buy or Sell Must own it to sell it Enter # of shares See cash Click ✔ to Submit Trade Find it by brand Click [list] to view brands Enter Name or Symbol Click Wiki or Wikinvest to research Wiki Your Cash Popular Brands Wiki Stock Research Company or Stock Symbol Find a Stock Symbol Cash Amount required to buy C C Helping hands to guide you to WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in
Signup Process My Account C C D D The Basics PlayMyMillions Overview My Teams Create and Manage Teams Buy Stocks Buying and Selling My Account What I’ve Got A A B B The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions What I have My Stocks My Cash
Helping hands to guide you to My Account What I’ve Got D D Choose a New Name Optional Click ✔ to Update Current Portfolio Click [list] to select 4 3 Change League Type Optional
Helping hands to guide you to My Account What I’ve Got D D 1 4 Current Portfolio Holdings Shows you the stocks that you currently have in your portfolio. You can see each stock, how many shares you own, how much you paid and their current market value. Note: If you bought the same stock more than once, you’ll see it aggregated below, with the purchase price being the average price you paid. Current Portfolio Asset Class Portfolio % Market Value Portfolios hold assets, here they are grouped into securities and cash Shows the percentage of the assets in cash versus securities The current value of the securities (non-cash assets) using the current market prices NEEDS TO BE RECOLOURED
Signup Process The Basics PlayMyMillions Overview My Teams Create and Manage Teams Buy Stocks Buying and Selling My Account What I’ve Got A A B B The ABC’s of PlayMyMillions Find Stock Symbol by popular brand Click [List] to look up Brands Find Stock Symbol by list Click [List] to look up Stock Symbols Or enter company name Research with Wikinvest Don’t Know what to invest in? What to see Stock History Use Wiki Invest Companies that are traded Will have a Stock Symbol i.e. AAPL = Apple Computers Inc ? ? Enter whether to Buy of Sell Must own the stock to sell it Check this is the Company C C D D Leagues What I’ve Got E E What company information? Use SEC Watch Fundamentals SEC Watch Enter No of shares Any number will be accepted Check the price Check the Total Value Enter Trade Click on ✔ Click on ✖ to cancel Click on ✚ to enter another trade
B B C C D D A A My Account WHITE fields to be filled in by user GREY fields automatically fill-in to 4 1 Helping hands to guide you Current Portfolio Holdings Shows you the stocks that you currently have in your portfolio. You can see each stock, how many shares you own, how much you paid and their current market value. Note: If you bought the same stock more than once, you’ll see it aggregated below, with the purchase price being the average price you paid. Current Portfolio Asset Class Portfolio % Market Value Portfolios hold assets, here they are grouped into securities and cash Shows the percentage of the assets in cash versus securities The current value of the securities (non-cash assets) using the current market prices StepDHeader.png CurrentPortfolio.png
Leagues LeagueSummary.png Check your position within the various leagues Position relates to your best team Checkout the League tables Play Off Score: 0 = Excellent up to Poor = 35. All players begin ‘Playing Off’ 28 (similar to a golf handicap). Your objective is to become a ‘scratch’ player, who is ‘Playing Off’ 0. You become a scratch player by: generating trading profits, monitoring your account regularly, and by buying stocks with different characteristics (such as, industry sector, geography, and currency). Your Alpha score is your risk adjusted return, which takes into account market dynamics. The Alpha score includes the return from the portfolio, risk-free returns, the beta of the portfolio, and the market risk premium. This is a complex algorithm that rewards risk management and largely eliminates aspects of luck.