{ Subjects, Verbs, & Direct Objects (SVO) Tuesday, September 3 rd, 2012
Copy the sentences below and identify their sentence parts. (S=subject, V=verb/predicate, or DO=direct object) EX: Lady pushed the door. 1. Lincoln worked hard. 2. Camilla ate bacon today. 3. Prince sang loudly as he recorded his latest album. 4. Hawai’i 5-0 is an action-packed TV show. OPENING SVDO Turn in this weekend’s homework in the green tray at the front table.
Copy the sentence below and identify their sentence parts. (S=subject, V=verb/predicate, or DO=direct object) 1. Lincoln worked hard. 2. Camilla ate bacon today. 3. Prince sang loudly as he recorded his latest album. 4. Hawai’I 5-0 is an action-packed TV show. OPENING
Concept Review: TAPP Topic, Audience, Purpose, Pattern (organization) Pathos “emotional appeal”/”emotionally-charged words” Ethos “Street cred” Logos logic Abstract Nouns Ideas, concepts, or emotions (intangible—not touchable) ACTIVATOR
What is a sentence? A sentence is a group of related words that express a complete thought A sentence needs at least a subject and a verb m/watch?v=7_G8vOQH 9Ug&feature=fvwrel m/watch?v=7_G8vOQH 9Ug&feature=fvwrel m/watch?v=7_G8vOQH 9Ug&feature=fvwrel WORK PERIOD
Identify the subject and predicate (verb) in each sentence. Benjamin ran. Enid likes cake. Patrick stole my burger! Liza raced to the back of the boat before jumping off into the water. WORK PERIOD Sub Pred Any questions??
Complete Subject: The subject and everything modifying (describing it) directly Complete Predicate: Everything after the predicate (verb) Examples: The angry bird flew at my head. His boss excitedly shook his hand. Lazy Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. WORK PERIOD Any questions??
Pull out a sheet of notebook paper Quiz #1 Student Name Date Class Period Label the assignment Head your paper
SECTION 1- SUBJECT/PREDICATE Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer for each number. 1. Kites had many different uses in the past. a. complete subject b. complete predicate c. simple predicate 2. The people of China invented kites long ago. a. complete subject b. complete predicate c. simple predicate 3. Kite festivals are always fun and exciting. a. simple subject b. complete subject c. simple predicate 4. The kites are soaring over the treetops. a. simple subject b. simple predicatec. complete predicate 5. The green kite glides gracefully in the air. a. complete subject b. simple predicate c. complete predicate Quiz #1 (section 1)
SECTION 2-CONCRETE/ABSTRACT NOUNS Directions: Identify the type of noun underlined. 6. Patience is a virtue. a. abstractb. concrete 7. He always emphasized toughness. a. abstractb. concrete 8. Today is going to be amazing. a. abstractb. concrete 9. Weekends are where I spend my free time with friends. a. abstractb. concrete 10. Lindley Middle is where I attend school. a. abstractb. concrete Extra Credit: Write a sentence and circle the concrete noun once and underline the abstract noun. Quiz #1 (section 2)
SVO=Subject, Verb, Object This is the next most basic way to put assemble a sentence. The object of a sentence is usually a noun that is receiving the action of a verb. Direct Objects DIRECTLY receive the action of the verb. EXAMPLE: Josie threw the ball. SVO SubjectPredicate (verb)Direct Object Josiethrewthe ball
The links below will provide more practice Direct Objects: uiz546.html uiz546.html uiz546.html Direct Objects: Direct & Indirect Objects: SVO Practice
CLOSING Any questions?? In your Source Book, complete the sentence below: A direct object is like _________________________ because__________________.
AC: Write a 5 sentence story (make sure each sentence has SVO). Highlight the subjects in one color, the predicates in another color, and the direct objects in a third color. 2 nd, 6 th, & 7 th : Write 5 sentences with SVO. Identify the subjects, the predicates (verbs), and the direct objects. HOMEWORK