By: Felipe Ortiz Bryanna Leal.  Subjects  Predicates  Objects  Modifiers  Phrases  Clauses.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Felipe Ortiz Bryanna Leal

 Subjects  Predicates  Objects  Modifiers  Phrases  Clauses

 The subject of a sentence is the noun or noun phrase that performs the action within the sentence.  She averted her eyes from the bright light.

 The predicate of a sentence expresses the state of the subject or the action that the subject performs.  The gameboy was offered in diverse colors.

 The object of a verb is the noun, pronoun or other noun substitute that receives the results of the action referred to by the verb.  The man got in a car crash inadvertently.

 Modifiers change the interpretation or meaning of the words or phrases they are associated with.  The big dog had an irreversible accident on his limb.

 A phrase is a group of words that work together to express a unified meaning but that lack a subject, a predicate, or both.  If we were to invert a balloon we would see the same thing.

 A clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate. There are two types of clauses, independent clauses and dependent clauses.  The little boy was running while having a moderate case of vertigo.

 Identify the underlined statement of the sentence as subject, predicate, object, modifier, phrase, or clause.  The damage caused by the nuclear bomb can’t be reverted.  The versatile girl finished all her homework and was able to go to her soccer practice.