Agriculture & Nature Panel Nick Hutchings Barbara Amon Rainer Steinbrecher
Main items Guidebook Errors and omissions Other feedback from users Maintenance and improvement of Guidebook - workplan Work plan for Report from Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen
No NFR subcode for NMVOC emissions from crops (4D) Temporary solution suggested 4D2a Note the emissions separately in IIR Will suggest creation of new NFR code, for adoption in next update Some errors in units in tables generated by the EFDB Guidebook – errors and omissions
Workplan Review of NMVOC emissions in 4B Review of ammonia emission from fertilisers Methodology for ammonia emissions from biogas facilities
NMVOC emissions (4B) NMVOC emissions from Animal Husbandry and Manure Management (4B) Method but no emission factors for 4B Placeholder table in Guidebook Included review in Maintenance Plan No funding = no review Funding required: 60 days
4B NMVOC – action Postpone review until 2011 US-EPA plan to establish emission factors in 2011 If no funding available Will use/adapt US-EPA values Pragmatic but unsatisfactory solution
Ammonia emission from fertilisers Current methodology and emission factors are old No funding was available = no review Funding required: 25 days Postpone until next year
Ammonia emissions from biogas production Proposed extension of Tier 2 level methodology was accepted by panel EP co-chairs will prepare short explanatory text for uploading to TFEIP website
Ammonia emission from crops Under discussion for several years Minor source in most countries but few data Panel suggests including this as a source Tier 1: 2 kg NH 3 ha -1 yr -1 from arable land Will require more work
PM and POPs – crop production (4D) No progress on PM emissions (no new data) Modellers - resuspension of POPs Pesticides (generally banned) Wind erosion of soil Agricultural field operations The problem A priority for modellers Not a priority for inventory-makers
Workplan Review of NMVOC emissions in 4B Review of ammonia emission from fertilisers
Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen 4th meeting this week in Prague Main focus – Annex IX of Gothenburg Protocol Obligatory measures for abatement of ammonia emissions Nothing finalised Detailed specification of obligatory measures TFEIP and TFRN need to monitor implications for reporting