Java 变量类型与 native 变量类型 java 类型 native 类型描述对应的 C 类型 booleanjbooleanunsigned 8 bitsunsigned char bytejbytesigned 8 bitschar jcharunsigned 16 bitsunsigned.


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Presentation transcript:

java 变量类型与 native 变量类型 java 类型 native 类型描述对应的 C 类型 booleanjbooleanunsigned 8 bitsunsigned char bytejbytesigned 8 bitschar jcharunsigned 16 bitsunsigned short shortjshortsigned 16 bitsshort intjintsigned 32 bitsint longjlongsigned 64 bits long(64) long long (32) floatjfloatsigned 32bitfloat doublejdoublesigned 64 bitsdouble

示例:基本数据类型参数 [java 代码 :] package; public class Test { private native void show ( boolean a1, byte a2, short a3, int a4, long a5, float a6, double a7, char a8 );

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_mz_jni_Test_show(JNIEnv * env, jobject thiz, jboolean a1, jbyte a2, jshort a3, jint a4, jlong a5, jfloat a6, jdouble a7, jchar a8) { int c_a1 = a1; char c_a2 = a2; short c_a3 = a3; int c_a4 = a4; long long c_a5 = a5; float c_a6 = a6; double c_a7 = a7; unsigned short c_a8 = a8; LOGI("c_a1=%d\n", c_a1);//c_a1=0 LOGI("c_a2=%d\n", c_a2);//c_a2=2 LOGI("c_a3=%d\n", c_a3);//c_a3=33 LOGI("c_a4=%d\n", c_a4);//c_a4=44 LOGI("c_a5=%lld\n", c_a5);//c_a5= LOGI("c_a6=%f\n", c_a6);//c_a6= LOGI("c_a7=%lf\n", c_a7);//c_a7= //a8 接收汉字会有乱码 LOGI("c_a8=%d\n", c_a8);//c_a8=65 LOGI("c_a8=%c\n", c_a8);//c_a8=A }