Status of MAMI C Hans-Jürgen Arends CB-Meeting, Basel October 4-6, 2006
The Harmonic Double Sided Microtron (HDSM) for MAMI C LINAC I (4.90GHz) LINAC II (2.45GHz) 10m 43 turns B=1.539T max I n j e c t i o n M e V E x t r a c t i o n M e V No. 2 No. 1 No. 4 No. 3 Matching-Section 4.90GHz
Status at the Glasgow-Meeting:
The next months (Sept): Final setup and technical commissioning of the 4.90 GHz linac, rf-systems, magnets and beam diagnostics devices of the linac axis. first injection test
Vacuum tubes and steering magnets 193 tubes („harp“), 384 steering magnets
first vacuum chamber manufactured in the Institute 7m All 4 dipole vacuum chambers were fully manufactured at KPH (welding of Al bars and plates) and are installed. 90° bending dipoles vacuum chambers free aperture in x: ± 8mm and y: ± 7mm
Next steps: (2006) first tests in diagnostic pulse mode (very low beam power) up to max. energy of 1.5 GeV guiding beam in the beam transfer tunnel tests in cw-operation and high current (100 A) tests of all beam transfer systems (A1, A2, A4) first tests for experiments (only 1.5 GeV) From 2007 on: beam for experiments (1500 MeV, tests, data taking) optimal orientation of polarization in all halls and for all energies possible by use of Wien-filter variable beam extraction (in steps of ~15 MeV between 872 MeV and 1320 MeV, and 1500 MeV)
Beam Extraction: correction magnets
Extraction System of the HDSM turn 43 fixed extraction magnet (1.5GeV) turn 30 turn 1 movable extraction magnet (0.87GeV – 1.32GeV) Extraction beam paths