Family Conferences Highland Elementary
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment Identifies strengths and areas of growth for your student in Math and English Language Arts Compared with students in our district and nation-wide Predicts level of achievement on KPrep Taken 3 times a year (fall, winter, spring)
STAR Assessment Show approximate grade level for Math and Reading Taken every 4 – 6 weeks
Check Grades On-line Go to our Highland website x?schoolid=6 x?schoolid=6 Click on Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal (left hand side) Username: Enter student’s 10 digit student ID number (found on grade card, usually begins with 2120…) Password: Enter student’s FIRST and LAST initial and 6 digit birthdate (i.e. Jan Doe born January 12, 2014 would be JD011214)
Math Multiplication Facts We have challenged our 3 rd, 4 th, and 5 th Scholars to learn their multiplication facts through 12. Students should study these each night. Teachers are charting student progress.
Power Paragraph Scholars are writing Power Paragraphs this year These include a topic sentence, reason, supporting detail, and concluding sentence Scholars use colors to designate what part of the Power Paragraph they are writing –Yellow = topic sentence, concluding sentence –Green = reasons –Pink = evidence to support the reason
Power Paragraph Kinder Scholars write a 1.2 paragraph –1 topic sentence, 1 detail 1 st Scholars write a 1.4 paragraph –1 topic sentence, 1 detail, 1 support evidence, 1 concluding sentence 2 nd and 3 rd Scholars write a 2.6 paragraph –1 topic sentence, first detail, first support evidence, second detail, second support evidence, 1 concluding sentence 4 th and 5 th Scholars write a 3.8 paragraph –1 topic sentence, first detail, first support evidence, second detail, second support evidence, third detail, third support evidence, 1 concluding sentence
For Practice at Home We have several websites we recommend for you to use at home. Click on Student Websites on our Highland Webpage for direct links
Wristbands When scholars achieve grade level on STAR Reading or STAR Math, they receive a special wristband Wristbands are also given to scholars who score proficient/distinguished on the MAP assessment Students “caught” wearing wristbands, will be given a treat by an Ambassador
Stay in Touch Highland Website: Facebook: Elementary-Glasgow-KY / Elementary-Glasgow-KY / Remind 101