“ Collective Farming ” DESCRIPTION: Farmers divided land into strips Each farmer had 30 strips They grew wheat & barley One field was left open or fallow to let the soil replenish nutrients There were no fences
“ Collective Farming ” PROBLEMS: Cattle easily ruined crops Quick spread of disease amongst cattle Inefficient
Wheat “ Crop Rotation ” rotated the type of crop growing in each field on an annual basis allowed land to replenish nutrients – called “scientific farming” possible because of the introduction of new crops CloverTurnip Barley YEAR 1 YEAR 3YEAR 4 YEAR 2
“ New Invention: Seed Drill ” “ New Crops ” POTATOES ALFALFATURNIPSCORN BEFORE AFTER invented by Jethro Tull yielded 10 times more food using 80% less seed
“ Enclosure Movement ” The invention & introduction of fences!!! Fences around crops Fences around animals
More Crops Healthier Animals More Animals More Fertilizer Cheaper Food Healthier Population