Week 3- Human Development pg. 15(R) Infant States of Sleep Infant States of Sleep Infant Perception, Motor Skills, and Learning Capabilities Infant Perception, Motor Skills, and Learning Capabilities Brain Development Brain Development Media’s influence on Eating Disorders Media’s influence on Eating Disorders Homework Homework
Infant States pg. 17 R The recurring pattern of arousal that ranges from alert, vigorous, wakeful activity to quiet, regular sleep (if you’re lucky). So, what happens if an infant is unable to soothe themselves? What could be the possible causes of distress? Friends Friends Modern Family Modern Family
Activity pg. 16 (L)-Staple What do you do for a crying baby?
Infant Perception, Motor Skills, and Learning Capabilities pg. 19 R Sensory receptors- eyes/ears teach infants about their world Birth- babies more sensitive to high pitched sounds and are very responsive to human voices Visual acuity-poor at first, but by 3 months are able to distinguish colors and perceive patterns; contrast is key Intermodal Perception-using two or more senses together to promote learning.
Activity pg. 18 L Design a nursery utilizing the information learned from the readings and class.
Brain Development pg. 20 L Left Brain Functions uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend Knowing Acknowledges order/pattern perception knows object name reality based forms strategies Practical safe Right Brain Functions uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images present and future philosophy & religion can "get it" (i.e. meaning) Believes Appreciates spatial perception knows object function fantasy based presents possibilities Impetuous risk taking Are YOU right or left brained? Are YOU right or left brained?
What effect does the media have on brain function? Pg. 21 R Anorexia Nervosa- avoiding obesity to the point of personal starvation OCD Perfectionist Need to control environment Family environment-high achieving parents, mother- domineering, father- emotionally absent Bulimia Nervosa- alternate periods of binge eating with vomiting and other means of compensating for weight gained. Extroverted Voracious appetites Poor self-image/low self- esteem Family environment- chaotic and conflict ridden, lack of familial communication
Activity Media Blitz: pgs. 22 and 23
Homework Read Chapters 6 and 7 and complete M.C. Quiz by Tuesday. Notebook Check next week-I will be collecting notebooks at the end of class. Journal Response pg. 24 (left): Think back to your own experience of puberty. List both negative and positive experiences or events that were related to the timing of puberty in your family or community. Ex. Sex Ed. Class in Health, “the talk”. How did you interpret the various messages you received from family, friends, and the media about the event?