Scoreboard X O Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins Directions for playing the game
1 When did Robert Schuman propose setting up a European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)?
1 On 9 May 1950
2 What treaties set up the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) in 1957?
2 The Treaties of Rome
3 Name the treaty that lays the basis for a common foreign and security policy, closer cooperation on justice and home affairs and the creation of an economic and monetary union, including a single currency. The inter-governmental cooperation in these fields added to the existing Community system creates the European Union (EU).
3 The Maastricht Treaty (or EU Treaty)
4 When did the Euro replace the national currencies in twelve of the fifteen EU member states of the time (not in Denmark, Sweden or the UK)?
4 In 2002
5 There are twelve stars on the European flag. Why 12?
5 Because number 12 is the symbol of perfection and unity. The number of stars has nothing to do with the number of EU member states.
6 What EU institution proposes new laws for the European Union?
6 The European Commission
7 What states signed the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) on 18 April 1951?
7 Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Italy and the Netherlands.
8 What EU institution shares with the European Parliament the responsibility for passing laws and taking policy decisions?
8 The Council of the European Union
9 What is the motto of the European Union?
9 United in Diversity!
A Game of X’s and O’s about the European Union The purpose of the game is to answer nine questions about the European Union correctly in order to get 3 X’s or 3 O’s across, down or diagonally. Assign one or two pupils to take up each square and two contestants. This allows for up to 20 participants (pupils aged 11-19) to play the game. One of the two contestants picks their first square. Let’s say Ann goes first and she is X. She chooses square 5. You (a teacher or a pupil) must click on the picture in square no. 5 in order to go to the question for slide 5. After clicking on the picture, the question for that square appears. Let’s say the question is “When do we celebrate Europe Day?”. The pupil who has been assigned to take up square no. 5 has to answer (or bluff) the question. Let’s say Mike has taken up square no. 5 and says “ March 8 th ” (the answer is wrong). Then Ann has to agree or disagree with Mike’s answer. After she has made her decision you click anywhere on the slide and it will take you to the correct answer. If Ann agreed with Mike she was wrong, so you would put an “O” in the black box in square 5 (by clicking in the black box and typing “O”). If Ann disagreed with Mike you would put an “X” in the black box in square 5. Alternate contestants until someone has made 3 O’s or 3 X’s in a row. When that has happened, you can type in a “1” in their scoreboard section by clicking in the black box and entering “1”. Then click on “Click here if X wins” button to go to the winning slide. ***NOTE: Once you enter the “X” and “O” into the game board, you must go back and delete them within the presentation. If you do not clear off the game board before exiting, they will be saved as part of the presentation. Source of information: Photos: credit © European Community 2007 Layout/design: Mark E. Damon; Adapted by Andreea Silter, Bucharest, Romania