MCMC CONFERENCE Meeting the Challenge of the Multicultural Classroom 26 April 2013 Goldsmiths University of London “Teachers Continuous Professional Development – our project in Portugal” Ana Cristina Madeira Centro de Formação Dr. Rui Grácio Lagos - Portugal
CONTENTS OF THE PRESENTATION 1. Portuguese CPD guidelines for teachers at local, regional and interregional European levels 2. Impacts of the programme on Teachers Continuing Professional Development 3. Synthesis: Photo Galery
1. PORTUGUESE CPD GUIDELINES We need sensitive school communities that understand the diversity of personal, linguistic, cultural, social, ethnic and other differences as a human reality and not as a problem. We need well prepared schools to deal with this pluralism with: a strategic curricular plan of intercultural education; CPD programmes centred on educational practice.
It was necessary to re-set, from the theoretical and methodological point of view, the models and practices of CPD according to: a new paradigm of personal and professional development different from a paradigm of technical rationality; new alternative methodologies (focused on teaching practice, strategies, experiences and stories) different from traditional models of teacher training (focused on teaching contents). 4
IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TEACHERS CPD Interregional level: Algarve/ London Comenius training programme Job Shadowing on Intercultural Education Lagos: 20-28th May 2012 London: 7-14th October teachers All levels Local level: research action Pilot CPD on Intercultural Education: 20 teachers of all levels Lagos - March-October 2012 International Conference in London “ Meeting the challenge of the Multicultural Classroom” 26 April 2013 Final results Regional Level: training centred on teaching practice Dissemination of the CPD programme in the Algarve: 6 Teacher Training Centres; 15 Councils involved; 80 teachers obtained credits for the career progression January-June 2013 International Conference in Portugal “Meeting the Intercultural Education” 120 teachers 26 May 2012 Interim results
adjusted and integrated them in a new paradigm of inclusive school for the sustainable development …taken teacher’s misconceptions... We believe WE HAVE...
…helped teachers open a clear view of human diversity for intercultural understanding
We believe WE HAVE... …helped teachers avoid discrimination and look at the pupils from different angles...
... HELPED Teachers develop creative strategies for intercultural dialogue European African Chinese We believe WE HAVE...
… motivated Teachers and students for other interpretations!
We believe WE HAVE... …helped Head Teachers find guidelines to manage the Intercultural Education in a multicultural school
…made teachers feel intercultural knowledge... as part of themselves We believe WE HAVE... FINALLY