UN Peacekeeping Josh Hombrebueno
Before the 1960’s, Rwanda was ruled by the country of Belgium The Belgians favoured the ethnic group known as the “Tutsis”, who made up 15% of the nation’s population, because they looked more European than the other ethnic group known as the “Hutus”. The nation became more independent in the 1960’s and had a general election where the Hutu’s won. The Hutu’s wanted revenge on the Tutsi’s who treated them poorly for so long
After the general election, the Hutu killed over 20,000 Tutsi’s and forced over 300,000 to flee into neighbouring countries This lead to the formation of the Tutsi rebel army called the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) The RPF attempted to invade Rwanda but were stopped by President Habyarimana’s French allies The Civil war that resulted produced millions of casualties and refugees In 1994, a plane carrying the Rwandan president was shot down, causing the Hutu elite to use the attack to launch a genocide against the Tutsi’s
In a span of three months in 1994, roughly 1 million Tutsi were killed, most of whom were civilians Women and children were targeted in order to stop reproduction of the Tutsi’s Genocide – The systematic and planned killing of an entire racial or ethnic group As the genocide began, the UN was asked to assist in ending the genocide, but they didn’t feel it was a major crisis
The UN’s first mission to Rwanda (UNAMIR) was set up only days after missions to Somalia ended The mission had little support and it’s capacity was minimal During the beginning of the Genocide, the United States repeatedly refused to increase the UN military presence in Rwanda Canadian General Romeo Dallaire was the head of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Rwanda The small number of peacemakers could do nothing to stop the slaughter
Below: General Romeo Dallaire Above: US Peacekeepers in Rwanda
Romeo Dallaire sent a warning to the UN headquarters in 1994 explaining that the Hutu were planning to register the entire Tutsi population in order to exterminate them This resulted in Dallaire requesting for 2,000 more men to be added to his force of 3,000 men, as he felt the slaughter could still be stopped Instead of his numbers increasing, the UN cut his forces down to 500 men after 10 Belgian Peacekeepers were killed The UN failed to act and respond quick enough to stop these killings and end the genocide
Dallaire and his troops could do nothing but watch the most horrible act of genocide in history The genocide is seen as a failure of the international communities to protect victims of violence Many believe that if the UN made an effort to stop the genocide, it would have ended very quickly After failing to stop the genocide, the UN, United States, Belgium, and the Church of England have all apologized